TBD on Ning

Mine started off pretty well. I woke up. That's always a good sign. However when I opened the door to  take  Happy out for his morning walk, I was greeted with a blast of heat and humidity. During the walk he  proceeded to poop three times in three different places. I sure am going through a lot of poop bags.

We got back in the RV and I turned on the battery operated fan in order to cool Happy off and the batteries are totally run down.

I started to prepare my cereal. I usually eat cereal with blueberries mixed in. I quickly dropped a new, full package of blueberries on the floor. It popped open and I had to pick up blueberries and throw them away.


So, how is your morning so far?


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I did have a pretty good day today. I made the drive from Meridan, Mississippi, I love saying or writing Mississippi. I shoud have posted that in Chez'z delicious words thread.
Oh! Got side tracked there, but I'm back on the right road now. To Montgomery, AL. A little out of the way, but I'm in a really nice RV Park. They have a big dog park for Happy. He got to run around and play with other dogs for the first time since Pru kept him while I was in Utah. And this park has the best Shower/toilet facilities of any park in which I have ever stayed. The other reason I came here is to go to Maxwell AFB, tomorrow to pick up a few things that I need. So, I'll be here tomorrow and then move to Mckinney Campground on Lake Alatoona Fri. That is near Acworth, GA. which is a little North of Atlanta.
I don't think Chez' telling you to suck it up, Olivia. And if she is, I say,
'hush, Chez, let Olivia get this out, even if it means having a fit."
Olivia, I do not prescribe to the 'suck it up' method of dealing w/issues.
B/c they don't go away then. They either fester or get put back on the shelf only to rear their heads again or they come out sideways. So... have at it.
do whatever you need to do.
we've got your back.


You know you can always holler to us. It's good therapy. I only meant don't scream at him and make a fuss at work, do it here instead. Then when you've cooled maybe you can discuss it with the culprit. Or not.
"Days of our lives" As the World Turns" "OH Throws a Hissy Fit"We can always use a little excitement around here. Maybe it will bring in more viewers.

OH, I'm kidding.
My moning is going pretty well. It's only about 150 degrees outside. Or maybe thats the humidity figure. I've had Happy out. Now I have to go clean up and go to Maxwell AFB. See you guys later.
My girlie type thongs, or the ones that go on my feet to stop the spread of athletes feet?
I hope everyone ate lunch.
We went out and had chicken and dumplings in a frying pan.
Food to die for.
You got that right!
What kind of food do pigeons forge? Have you ever eaten any counterfeit pigeon products?
My morning so far is better in the Ranting & Raving thread, which I'm not in the mood to do. I'm about to make a delicious pot of coffee and hopefully my morning will turn around & be lovely.

And I wish a lovely morning to everyone here... except Chez. To whom I wish a lovely Friday afternoon.
I'm heading off to my mom's to await the visit of a "Professional Services" agency. But before that. I may be "interviewing" a 14-year-old German Shepherd missy in need of a sunset years home...
oooooohhhhh......... xox




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