TBD on Ning

What would you like to talk about? Sex, The President, the economy, Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever,  tics, taxes, forclosures, photo voltaic cell technology? There are several thousand of you signed up here, and,well wouldnt y'all sometimes like to have a discussion, outside of 'playing geography', or other word games?

Why are you here? What are you looking for, as a member of this group? No opinion to great, too small.

I'm here because I liked having  discussions with people on topics ranging from serious to absurd. I guess that includes hoping to find friends and chatting with interesting individuals who can open my mind to new points of view.

Or is the join button something you happened to click when the boss was coming by, gettin ready to catch you playing pacman?

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I completely agree Maricel. There is so much more in our environment than we can perceive. Take for example the spectrum of light. The UV and IR sections are not visible to us, and the red/ green is not visible to some. Same is true of audiology. There are ranges of sound that we just cant hear.

But lets take it one step further. Did you ever stare at someone until they turned around? It works everytime. Next time your stuck on a crowded train, try it out. There are plenty examples of clairvoyance. I was drinking a watermelon wine cooler, and my daughter, with whom I am exceptionally close, turned to me and said, 'Wow. I suddenly had this great sensation in my mouth, it tasted like watermelon!' And then there's that voice in your head, or the blind luck of walking through a gang of murderous thugs without being seen by one of them.

It's idiotic to think conventional science has all the answers. At best, they might have a clue. We may have discussed this here...1/0 or the present moment? You can approach the present moment (mathematically), but we never actually arrive there. (For example, you're a minute away, then a half then a quarter then and eighth, and so forth.) One learned TBDer pointed out that studies being carried out by particle physisists are starting to show that what we know as 'reality completely breaks down as f(x)=1/x as x approaches zero. Pretty cool.

Maricel, what a beautiful name! Ah the freedom one finds when he leaves the boat behind after crossing the stream!
I like Buddhism because it is very tolerant. Its a practice rather than a religion, Robbie, so mistakes are ok. It also advocates peace, inner harmony, joy, and consious behavior. Those are all things I subscribe to.

We may disagree on many issues. I think tat's just fine. We can even have heated arguements. (Theres a group, We The People here, that I really raised some dust with. But we all became friends and , I believe, have a mutual respect for one another, despite our differences. Hope all is well. Your friend, Jackie
My brother is a biker...I like to float in the pool at night and look at the stars. We painted the pool black, and in the night air it is especially warm. The sense of freedom is paramount to nonexsistance. Love it. Use to like to walk, walked miles a day. Now that all my parts need replacin', thats out.

Other than that, jacquin, thanks for the input.
I fully agree that there is much outside the narrow spectrum of awareness in which we exist. But how does this equate to the teachings of the current major religions in the US and the mid east? The religion that I would come closest to believing would be the one that believes that we are a part of the whole. That when we die we go back into the whole. that would come closest to what my very limited knowledge would allow me to believe in. I thought it was Mysticism but the dictionary definition says diferently.
I warned you that I have complete knowledge of very little.
Maricel, help me out here.
Stillgoing, If I ever get back out to the West Coast, you better believe I'll take you out for a beer. Or many beers, and good conversation. Can I bring Pru?
CWO3Robbie: The subjects regarding our spectrum of knowledge and what major religions teach, was unrelated. But I do rather agree with you. We are part of a whole. Even now, while alive. MS
From what I know of you, you probably wouldn't buy into the more conventional religions. You would probably resonate well with Secular Humanism-is only really a recognition of the selfish notion that by generally helping others we generally help ourselves. The only solid foundation for humanist principles is that they have been learned through the lessons of history. But there is no authoritative guideline for what these principles are, other than collective perceptions, and the interpretation of history will always be a battleground for political debate.

another EXCELLENT read. Peruse the chpts when you have time.

Jackie, I think you should start a new "group": Esoteric Interests so we can have different threads in the areas that interest us-- UFOs....Metaphysics....Religion.....Golf....Women Watching (lol) etc I love Peanuts cartoons....so Snoopy would be an interesting thread

Actually, I think maybe we should start it together. When are you around so maybe we can chat?
Maricel, I am very familiar with secular Humanism. I don't understand why you consider the fact that by helping others we probably are helping ourselves is bad? Or did you mean it that way? And I would think the lessons of history would be a more solid foundation than an assembled group of unprovable fairy tales.

I was exposed to various Christian Religions while growing up. Mostly Presbyterian and United Methodist.
My best lifelong friend and his family are Catholic. I was married to a member of the Chrurch of Christ.
I have studied some about the other major religons. I spent a year in a very remote area of Turkey, but also had some long conversations about the muslim religion with educated people from Ankria and Instanbul. I was Vice President of a Unitarian Universalist congregation for a number of years.
My conclusion is that there is a lot of good and a lot of bad in most religions. I even looked into Dianetics at one point. In the study of most religions, for me, there is a point at which they stop making sense.
Therefor I think the lessons of human history provide the best possible foundation for deciding what is the best path for the human race.
However, I recognize the requirement that most humans have for there to be some higher authoritative power. I just don't understand it. As I often, kind of jokingly, say "I guess I didn't get the religious gene".




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