TBD on Ning

When rumors start flying, I tend to keep my head down. (That and hell, the weather'sbeen great)! So, any solid nooze???

Tags: TBD, demise

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DannyO Said:

"I think the largest problem we have here is sustaining critical mass. We need enough people to keep things lively.

Whenever a bunch of people wander off to another site, or divide their attention among multiple sites, each of the sites suffers.

In the particular case of the mysterious MyAtlantis, which seems to be very similar to teebeedee in nearly every aspect, it's just diluting the community. In other words, will someone please tell all the people in MyAtlantis to get their asses back over here?"


Danny, I cannot believe this. "Bunch of people wandering off"? These friends of ours made a decision, just like you and others, that chose FB or another site when TBD closed. Where were you for a year after TBD closed? FB and Your Site? Do you split time between sites now?

Why is it that we can find a few public discussions on TBD Ning complaining about "the mysterious My Atlantis", but we cannot find one public discussion on My Atlantis complaining about TBD Ning? Oh, and DannyO, My Atlantis is nothing like TBD Ning.

Perhaps TBD Ning should build instead of blame.
Danny, I cannot believe this. "Bunch of people wandering off"? These friends of ours made a decision, just like you and others, that chose FB or another site when TBD closed.

Yeah, they made a decision to wander off. Call it what you like. I'm not going to quibble.

Where were you for a year after TBD closed? FB and Your Site? Do you split time between sites now?

Here, mostly.

But I guess if I've ever moved between sites, then I couldn't possibly have learned anything from the experience, right? I couldn't possibly have learned anything. No, not me. I keep making the same mistakes over and over.

Why is it that we can find a few public discussions on TBD Ning complaining about "the mysterious My Atlantis", but we cannot find one public discussion on My Atlantis complaining about TBD Ning?

I haven't found discussions complaining about either on either site, except for the discussions about the people copying groups. Maybe I just haven't been looking hard enough, or maybe there's something in the water.

Oh, and DannyO, My Atlantis is nothing like TBD Ning.

You start listing ways that they're different, and I'll start listing ways that they're the same.

I'll go first.

The members.

Your turn.
My Atlantis members aren't as inclined as TeeBeeDee members to publicly and/or privately tar and feather members for having a difference of opinion. They can actually engage in civil discourse. I've lost count of the number of times members here, myself and Dazz included, have been flamed and/or insulted and I've also lost count of the numerous p/m's inviting us to leave. My Atlantis members don't claim that any other social networking site is "diluting their community" nor do they try to discourage their members from participating in other social networks. My Atlantis members actually
foster a sense of community and there also seems to be a lot less character assassination and assigning of blame.
Yep, sure sounds like the place to be.....
Thanks, its mah Kid Rock hat!
Kid's lawyers have pictures of you in the YOOP with that hat on......or someone strikingly familar looking as you! Ditch it before they serve you! LOL
LMAO! OK Craig....good advice!
Danny - you started a social networking group ages ago too - and many members here joined, including myself - (albeit I found it too confusing to participate in), so is this not a case of the pot calling the kettle black ? I know you mentioned that you recently retired it. . As members here joined your group - why the fuss about what other social memberships members belong to?

People go where they are made to feel they are truly welcomed, and where polite but perhaps pointed differences of opinion are respected. All this thread succeeds in doing (and has pretty much done so from get go) is encourage ill feelings and ill will, despite desperate attempts from some members to encourage a "leave and let be" attitude.

And as an aside - TBD is not a topic for discussion on My Atlantis. In 45 days it has had more than 950 discussion posts. Only two are related to TBD - and one of those is set to private. The other is in G&G Connecting - and is no longer of any interest. Ditto the one set to private.
I like TBD and like the gun folks say, I will leave when you pry my old dead fingers off of my mouse.
I did not care for the real early TBD. ( I won’t go into why).
If you claim the earth is flat you will get killed. I have also said something to the affect in my day and got dumped on big time.
I can’t think of anyone that I do not like.
If you believe something, say it.
If it’s too wild, duck.


Apparently the "line in the sand" does not lead to the "lime in the coconut".....sure wish it did....
This thread is breaking my heart, it truly is. I just want to give my reasons for looking at MyAtlantis, my reason is very simple and easy to understand. When it was announced that all of the Ning sites would be pay to belong sites, I was distraught like the rest of you. Luckily for me, money isn't an issue. What saddened me was the fact that we would certainly lose membership. Then Robin started the 'donation' group, or whatever it's called, it seemed very exclusive to me since it was by invitation only and Robin did explain that later and it made good sense, but I wasn't comfortable with making a decision as to what to pay, even if it was anonomous. Do I pay $1 $100 or $500. Then along comes Myatlantis, created by one of our own and paid for by same. An incredibly noble gesture in my opinion to keep us all together if TBD happened to collapse. I looked at MA and saw a lot of my friends there, I joined and have been having the same kind of fun there as I always had here. What were the reasons for MA to create that site? We could ask. If we don't like the answer we can fabricate an answer of our own, ie. 'ego trip', 'control freak' etc. I choose to believe it was out of the kindness of his/her heart.





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