TBD on Ning

When rumors start flying, I tend to keep my head down. (That and hell, the weather'sbeen great)! So, any solid nooze???

Tags: TBD, demise

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Always a pleasure!!!

These boots were made for.....
"Light of Day" was pretty good.
My sediments exactly, Dodger. Thanks.

As a member of several social networking sites I have an abundance of friends and like myself several of them are also on multiple sites and we connect/communicate on all of them. I still keep in touch with Whozzo (aka Jack) on both F/B and M/S as we like to discuss music related topics like bands, gear, techniques and the like.

Being members of several different sites affords us the opportunity to network with friends we do not see or talk to on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. For that we are grateful and say thank you to all who participate when and/or wherever you choose.


Like that, eh?!!!!? I got mad skills...and about 3 cups of coffee in me....!!!WHEEEE!!!

I agree. We all could use a little lower blood pressure.
I think the largest problem we have here is sustaining critical mass. We need enough people to keep things lively.

Whenever a bunch of people wander off to another site, or divide their attention among multiple sites, each of the sites suffers.

In the particular case of the mysterious MyAtlantis, which seems to be very similar to teebeedee in nearly every aspect, it's just diluting the community. In other words, will someone please tell all the people in MyAtlantis to get their asses back over here?
Thats a good point Danny. It's time to come out of the bunker.
I think Danny has very accurately stated the problem. There is a critical mass that is required for a social netwoking site to remain a lively self sustaining social platform. It also seems that it needs to have constant change. Americans are always eager to try new things. While at the same time yearning for the familiarity and stability of a home port to fall back into at times. We humans seem to be pack animals the same as dogs and other species. Most want a leader. They desire a strong leader that they can either worship or hate. There are always people who want to fill the leader position. In any group there always seems to be members who are unhappy with the way the group functions. They think they could fill the leader role better than the current leadership. That scenario seems to be what is playing itself out here on tbd. I can think of no other reason for the rapid abandonment of tbd. There was no other reason to leave. We went through a period where no one knew for sure that Myatlantis would succeed or fail. We didn't know if tbd would be able to continue. Chuck obiously provides the qualities needed for a leader. He has a seemingly strong group of supporters. There are a number of us who prefer the somewhat unstructured tbd way of functioning. We are here, we may not be here tomorrow, but we are here for now. Some who have left have wandered back. I do not know the reasons. I do not care. I'm just glad to have you back. It also appears that we are gaining new members. Will we make a go of it? Only time will tell. But I'm going to stay and have fun as long as it lasts. I am ok with Myatlantis being out there somewhere on the internet. What I am not ok with is anyone trying to lure tbd people to other sites. There had to be something about tbd that you did not like. that is fine. But whatever it was it did not affect me in the same way it did you. so, let's just agree to coexist without animosity. If you want to jump back and forth fine. If you want to stay fine. If you dislike us or tbd, fine. But, I see no reason to keep discusing who, what, why, where and when and how about the two sites.
People are free to come and go when and wherever they want to. That's one great aspect of the internet and social networking websites. To make such a scathing indictment that "My Atlantis is diluting the community" and demand those members return is absurd and is a slap in the face of those who have taken it upon themselves to go there, even if it is to just try it out, and then come back here of their own volition. I'm there. I'm here. I'm on MySpace, Facebook and Tagged. Would you have me give all that up in order to remain "LOYAL" to TeeBeeDee?!!!? What reward would there be for me deciding to limit myself in that regard: The occasional pat on the back to soothe the pain of having been publicly and privately abused for stating an opinion that differs from somebody else' or doesn't follow the party line or the mob mentality?!!!? Give your head a shake. It's not about "US VERSUS THEM". When people wake up and realize that then this whole bitter back and forth episode can FINALLY BE PUT TO REST.
Apparently not....then again, I don't see the humour in Gangsta Rap when it glorifies violence and the objectification of women.
The glorification of violence and the objectification of women is not in the least bit humourous and I didn't find Danny's post to be humourous. If it stands in contrast to your opinion of what is humourous then so be it. You're entitled to your opinion as am I. Were we all lemmings we would be running in the same direction to a shared end.




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