TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

Post your rant here.

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I would place d's girl's response in the "Raving" category, as opposed to the "Ranting" category.
Oh, yeah. my last few days are most definitely raveable.
Hi, Snagg! Tx for turning me on to your radio show - I got to listen to only the last bit of it Sunday night, as we got into Charlotte late.
S'Cool....How much of it did you get to hear?
Only a couple songs about an hour before the end, then I took a shower & returned for the last set.
LMAO - no, no... I didn't have to take a shower from hearing the show. hahaha
....I need to up my game.
hahaha "-D
So!!!! Thought you could lose me by sneaking over here to the games compartment????? Well, It worked for a little while. Well, weeks. But remember. I was out in the canyons of Utah for a week. It's too damn hot here in Galveston. There are too many mosquitoes. The wind blows to hard. When the wind isn't blowing the mosquitoes come out. The RV repairman has had my right side rearview mirror for two weeks now. I can't drive the RV until he fixes it. I'm bored.
There I'm almost caught up on my whining now.
Carry on.
About the mirror, did objects appear further away than they actually were?
Maybe it was installed backwards. I never thought of that.
My Elliptical broke again, I am again waiting for parts.
Beth, what do you DO on that Elliptical?!
I have nothing to rant about and that pisses me off.




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