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The Secret is a (new age ) book written by Rhonda Byrne which states that (based on the law of attraction(???), whatever you want in this universe will come to you. Your supposed to ask really hard and meditate on it. Do yo'all buy into this?

Personally, no. I think the book is a fast buck and an ez shot to get on Oprah? For those of you who follow these things, wouldnt that sort of negate the law of karma?

Besides (sounding bitter, and adding some gin to that soda) it never happens to me. If it's worked for you, for godsakes, can you tell me what The Secret actually is?

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I Want KarenSme!
I want KarenSme
I want KarenSme
I Want KarenSme
I want KarenSme

It Worked !
It's the "believe" part that people have the most trouble with. They buy a lottery ticket, don't win and the jig is up! Sme, you're correct and summed it up nicely! If you think its a load of crap, so it is and will always be!
Jackie, you don't "wish" for things.. Wishing is a "want" and if you really..... really "want" something, you'll manifest just that... More of the WANTING..
You have to already "have it."

I believe the "real secret" is that some people will just refuse to believe or ever "get it."

Oh sorry forgot to answer your question.. No, it doesn't negate the law of Karma, not in my world anyways.
I want to live in Hawaii. More than anything. If I already lived there, what good would wanting to live there be?
I wish. But it doesnt seem to work for me...
If that were the case, I'd be hawaiian.
LOL. When am I visiting you?
Jackie ,
If you are serious, you could take hula lessons. My daughter's kumu (hula teacher) teaches hula to adults in Manhattan. Her students comprise of a wide array of professionals from a judge, lawyers, corporate employees, and college girls. My daughter was the youngest. Once you get into the movement and listen to the beating of of the drums, you feel like you are in Hawaii. I used to sit on the park bench in Central Park watching my daughter's troupe practice on the lawn. Some of them, including my daughter, compete at the World Hula Invitational on certain years. They do both modern and ancient hula which include chanting.

Here is the direct link to Halau Hula O Na Mele 'Aina O Hawai'i.
View the footage of the 2009 competition.

Hula is very therapeutic.
"Hula is healing, it is powerful, you learn to make magic
with your own self and gifts that you have."

Hula is the opera, theater, and lecture hall of the islands, all rolled into one.
Hula is history portrayed in the performing arts.

Here is my daughter practicing for the Oahu competition.
She's the one w/the very long pony tail.
You won't have to do this kind of routine, but anyone
is welcome to join the competition in the Waikiki Shell
every year. The eldest participant is in her 70s. There
is no age or size discrimination in hula.
She is absolutely beautiful. I love the hula. As for me with 2 failed back operations , 2 hip replacements and a looming knee replacement...I think my hula days are over! But there is MY SON!!!
My secret is to be satisfied with what you have and if you do get more then it is just more icing .
I'd be happier as a Hawaiian.




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