TBD on Ning

Name a TBDer who fits a given notable then create a new "notable" award
for the next person to answer. Be nice!!!!!!

*Notable -
a distinction given

ex.  Most likely to find a fairy....
       Lily Roth  

       Most likely to fall off his Evil Knievel Harley...
       Larry Kremis

Now we shall begin:

Most likely to fly...

Tags: notables

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NNNAAaaa...not you....Bob Stepp
Then who???? inquiring minds want to know

Whiny Old Bastard knows how to stir the pot????? I should get together with him. I have this mighty fine cauldron...

"Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg, and howlet's wing,--
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble."

Oh Whiny, where art thou?
Oh look, it's Larry STIRRING the POT!

Most likely to cast a spell?
(not me)
Where did she go?

Most likely to piss me off with a political statement?

A very crowded field.
The one most likely to start arguments
hehehehhe Peter James in his own eye rolling way.
Though the way he argues make me laugh.

Most likely to be Pru's sidekick
Me, Me, Me

tbder with the most hair
Not me, may be Wylde.

tbder who has the most restraining orders against them.
"tbder with the most hair"?

AggieK of course! ( I soooooooo envy her that gorgeous head of hair! )
Most restraining orders?

That would be Maricel. Only because she knows how to get even with a vengeance.

Most likely to be skinny dipping on any given summer evening?
I haven't posted on this thread before. Is it possible to nominate myself? I will most likely be skinny dipping in the pool or hot tub most evenings as the weather cooperates.

Most likely to drive a convertible.
Consider yourself nominated rosie.

Convertible? CraigD, he's a cool guy.

Most likely to be up before 5am every morning?

most likely to go to gym or workout?
Most restraining orders?
That would be Maricel. Only because she knows how to get even with a vengeance.
Larry Kremis

hahahahahahahah LaRRy
my wicked photoshoppin' skills are beyond compare LoL

Just a thought-

most likely to go to gym or workout? BethD
ThisAndThat......she is buffed.

Most likely to kiss upside down.
(looking up and whistling)




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