TBD on Ning

I couldn't find it. Let's do it again.

Tags: thinking

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I bet they want to replace my whole brake system.
This is the first morning of DST. Will you use that as an excuse for being late to work?
Work? lol. Good morning Robbie. I hope you don't have to spend the rest of your life's savings on those brakes.
Because it ain't really morning yet!!!!!
OH--u forgot to mention the fact taht the undercover cop is also a medical doctor--who would save Robbie's life by doing a heart transplan operation using the heart of the hobo who was already in the back of the squad car--and who somehow died willl the cop was responding to a distress call.
A truely remarkable and clever imagination. I love it.
You got all that from busted brakes????????????????
I'm seriously considering going back to bed.
What imagination? That is a real soap opera--isnt it?
Did you know the Chilean earthquake shifted the earth's axis by 3 inches, and by doing so, shortened each day by 1.26 microseconds? (a microsecond is one millionth of a second, so I don't think we will really notice)
Hmmm...now the litter in my cat box is at a .0000008333 degree incline.
I feel better than I have in years.




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