TBD on Ning

Kittycat received a clean bill of health from her doctor this afternoon. We're off to FL Friday via Bridgeville, PA and Raleigh NC and Charleston SC. After FL we're off to Dallas via Mobile , AL and Houston TX. Then we'll return home via Texarkana, TX and Dickson, TN. If you live along the way let us know, we'd love to meet you


I'll use this thread to post pics of our roadtrip.

Tags: meeting-friends

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Roger that! And as for the cooler lecture - you mean to say you have yet to purchase one?!?! Did I not lecture sufficiently!!! Geeeeeeeeeez Louise!!! Get thy selves a cooler!

By the by - oh my but the cake was fab. Thanks SO much - so Austrian! xoxox And we are having the wine tonight - date night - we saved it to celebrate your vsist, a bit of you with us, one week later. We miss you. Go look in FiFi's photos here. More snaps - peeps have not seen! Tee Hee!

Be safe - travel well.
Hi all. We just got to Daphne AL, not too far from Mobile. Ms. Kitty may get lucky tonight after hearing that sexy southern drawl of MellyMel's.
I told you southern is SEXY
Ahem. Does this mean there was friskiness last Sat. night @ zee Best Western Raleighworld because a British accent (also;) makes you think of rumpy-pumpy? (Men - so fickle . . . an accent here - an accent there - everywhere an accent-adental!)


Accent susceptible -- that's our Lair! I think I feel a nose twitching coming on! xox
Yah hello dere Diana.....I guess dat accent angle don't work if da accent is Yooper...like what I got here. Well, I guess it might work on one a dem Finn gals up dere by L'anse.
Though call between Robbies blogs and the misadventures of Lar and Kitty.....!
Skip the monkey shoes unless you can find a much bigger size...!
I'm enjoying every minute of this.....!
Come back to the Mitten State sometime....I'm stuck with Gary and Moosie!
"I'm stuck with Gary and Moosie!" 'Ello and that's grim how?!? Me thinks our lovely lady doth protest too much !/;-D So this sticking stuck, is it like an in between thingy?
HAHAHA!!! I think we are the only ones here in Michigan! Not the least bit grim....they just live a bit away.... There's only so far you can go on a peninsula!
"There's only so far you can go on a peni . . ." Oops ! Oh darn . . . my fingers slipped . . .
Post the pictures Larry---Pictures please.
Oh, dere's a few more of us here in Michigan, JayLee. I t'ink I might be da only one dat is bi-lingual, wit' my speakin' Yooper an' all. I'm a Troll, or a Lowper, as dey describe us up dere in da Yoop. I can only claim an ancestral tie to da UP, but sometimes I wish I was a resident.
Please tell me you are eating a pasty as you are typing this???




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