TBD on Ning

My friend Dexter South gave me permission to share this post he had written with the group as he doesn't spend much time here anymore. Dexter lives in Texas and has seen a lot in his life. He writes from the heart and I admire his courage. His post follows...

I am old enough to remember the Ku Klux Klan from the old days. They held big rallies, had parades and made a lot of speeches just like the Tea baggers of today do. But that is not where the
similarity stops.

Back then, the country didn’t have the benefit of the education to whites by the civil rights and educated those who lived through it. Whites learned a great deal since the 50’s about blacks.
We were educated how our actions, thoughts and words affected the people “of
color” and we learned the same applies to all non-whites. But there are some
who learned nothing. And now we have middle-aged white adults who have no first
hand memories and did not experience what those of us did who lived through the
60’s and 70,s as adults.

However there are some who don’t care and are so self centered, greedy, bigoted and ignorant they have developed the same resentments and emotions displayed before the civil rights movement. Some of
the hold over bigots, from the old days, who are bitter and resentful that the
rest of the world had moved on, started to legitimize those ways. By pulling in
issues like abortion and taxes they sucked in the ignorant. Through use of the
talk show host and politicians they picked issues that would attract the
wealthy and the privileged. This drew people like Rupert Murdock who created an
empire of wealth with radio shows and his marketing invention, Fox News. They
learned pandering to the rich, the bigoted and people who were deeply disturbed
with resentments; millions could be made in advertising dollars. Through the
art of “buzz wording” and the old bigots trade of using code words, they all
mastered a sophisticated code language and evil composite ideology, which
enlisted religious fervor from groups that were formed from the old anti-abolition
south like the Southern Baptist Convention.

Taking this all together, with the bigots who left the Democrat party over the Civil Rights Act, they took over the Republican party and hired an actor named Ronald Reagan to soft sell their
ideas and take over the government of the Untied States. While publicly
displaying a face of fake rationalism and common sense, the rich part of the
movement took over and started a systematic rape of the federal Government and
its money. The wealthy succeeded in using the bigoted and ignorant as a front
to pilfer the people’s money.

Now a black man has been voted President largely because the right wing went too far and thought they had a patsy in G W Bush who would garner everyone’s attention long enough to really rape the
country and pilfer the coffers. While giving their big business cronies the
sign to go all out and rape and pillage for all they could get. But GWB was
more stupid than they thought and their friends were greedier than they ever
imagined. A black president was the straw that broke the camels back.

The truest of bigots got mad and started the Tea bagger movement. It turns out to be a perfect place for the worst of our society to find a home. They try real hard to hide their racism, but they
can’t! The KKK and the Tea baggers are the same, just a newer and more socially
ignorant version. Of course today, they need to try and hide their racism to
keep from loosing all credibility but it wont work. People who resent
minorities, the greedy and the bigoted can never hide completely. Conservative
ideologies like this all were festering into a big rotten sore that infects a
nation and makes it ill. Sooner or later the rest of us wake up and kill the

Tags: America, Klan, Klux, Ku, Party, Tea, history, politics

Views: 22

Replies to This Discussion

The main flaw in your argument is the part about "those who are elected and don't listen to the people who put them in office.'" I am relatively sure that if polled most if not all of the tea party people did not vote for President Obama or any other democrat. So that claim makes no sense because they did not put the people they comdemn for not doing what they want into office.
Thank you Vernon for sharing your friends intelligent words. The tea bigots and their so-called movement has got to be exposed for the pure hatred that it is.
http://www.nytimes.com/todayspaper (click on"Tea Part Movement Lights Fuse")

I found the front page story in the NYT disturbing, in that it featred a mild-mannered just-folks lady who was moved to action when her son lost his job and house. The article shows the angry and the scared as a large & varied group who distrust both established parties, all vested power and any bureaurocaratic hierarchy. It's worse than I thought. It's scary that they are open to welcoming demogogues like Beck & Birch Society, and truly believe their gov intends to disarm & detain them. The mind-set is more frightening than I realized, and I don't think it will soon recede, thought it may splinter.
Some of the big finanical backers, The Koch(coke) brother's father started or was a big backer of the John Birch society
you guys are the ones who are being the bigots by judging all the people in the Tea Party.
CH - not all the people, just the placards & the antics - like the guys who strap on a hand gun and strut like the gunslinger in "High Noon." Such things make me feel unsafe. I imagine some folks who attend these gatherings are scared of not having a job and angry at the fat cats who do. But it's the placard-toting gunslinger who gets all the press. Have you attended some of these gatherings and what can you tell me about the people?
They are just everyday people like you and me they go to work take care of their families,but feel that no one in Washington is listening to them.
The stuff you see on ther news only captures a few idots that carry guns and threaten everything... News puts things on the air that will bring in ratings,and not always put out the rest of the story.
They come from all walks of life Blue collar to White collar. Rich and poor alike. The are Dems - Rep -Indpen.-latino -white -black (Im talking about where I live in AR) .
Until people stop juding all on what a few idiots,then the same ole name calling is going to happen and nothing will be done.
Wanda, Wanda, Wanda....... there is a certain part of our end of the political spectrum, that have strong feelings about gun ownership freedom. They make practical statements of their beliefs in this area by public demonstrations. This is certainly no worse than the part of your end of the political spectrum who ride around on parade floats waving their privates at onlookers to show what they believe.
Sorry Lawrence, Rudy Giuliani (the one who likes to dress in drag) is one of yours.
because there are always fools in any group there is. I own guns too and taught my children how to shoot.You wont find me waving them around at people either.If I ever would have to pull a gun on someone it would be to protect those I love or my self,and I would aim to kill. I rather go target shooting.
It would seem to me if you are at a rally, carrying a sign, demonstrating, by definition you are asking to be noticed and trying to make a statement so really not judging, just observing.




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