What's ailing you Quinny? Don't you think it's more likely the planes themselves are the breeding grounds. It you caught something, it probably wasn't at the airport. I gotta tell you everything.
Have been inclined to mess around at the Airport but social propriety prevailed and waited till check in at the "8"!
Now, on a serious note: I am NOT a germaphobe but it creeps me out to have to take off my shoes and walk barefoot on a floor space that thousands have trod before! Most grocery stores give out the handi-wipe cloths to use on the cart handle ....
Has anyone cultured the bottom of feet and/or shoes to see what deadly botany is happily living there?!!!
Quinn sent all of us guys a valentine song on Snaggs program. She thinks she knows all, but I think it only applied to Larry.
Well, maybe lck,TeeBubbaDee, Ubu, Gary, Snagg, Stillgoing, Bull, Bob S. Funs, Hummm, maybe she has a point.