TBD on Ning

This letter is a thing of beauty (even if the language is a bit rough).. 
You definitely feel the guy's pain! An actual letter to the passport 

Dear sirs, 

I'm in the process of renewing my passport, and still cannot believe this.. 
How is it that Radio Shack has my address and telephone number and knows 
that I bought a cable t.v. from them back in 1987, and yet, the Federal 
Government is still asking me where I was born and on what date. 

For Christ sakes, do you guys do this by hand? My birth date you have on my 
social security card, and it is on all the income tax forms I've filed for 
the past 30 years. It is on my health insurance card, my driver's license, 
on the last eight damn passports I've had, on all those stupid customs 
declaration forms I've had to fill out before being allowed off the plane 
over the last 30 years, and all those insufferable census forms that are 
done at election times. 

Would somebody please take note, once and for all, that my mother's name is 
Maryanne, my father's name is Robert and I'd be absolutely astounded if that 
ever changed between now and when I die!!!!!! 

I apologize, I'm really pissed off this morning. Between you an' me, I've 
had enough of this bullshit! You send the application to my house, then you 
ask me for my f'in' address. 

What is going on?  You have a gang of Neanderthal a'holes workin' there! 
Look at my damn picture. Do I look like Bin Laden?  I don't want to dig up 
Yasser Arafat, for shit sakes. I just want to go and park my  ass on a sandy 

And would someone please tell me, why would you give a shit whether I plan 
on visiting a farm in the next  15 days? If I ever got the urge to do 
something weird to a chicken or a goat, believe you me, I'd sure as hell not 
want to tell anyone! 

Well, I have to go now, 'cause I have to go to the other end of the city and 
get another f'in' copy of my birth certificate, to the tune of $60. Would 
it be so complicated to have all the services in the same spot to assist in 
the issuance of a new passport the same day??  Nooooo, that'd be too damn 
easy and maybe makes sense.  You'd rather have us running all over the 
f'in' place like chickens with our heads cut off, then find some asshole 
to confirm that it's really me on the damn picture - you know,the one where 
we're not allowed to smile?! (bureaucratic f'in' morons)  Hey, you know 
why we can't smile? We're totally pissed off! 

- An Irate Citizen. 

P.S. Remember what I said above about the picture and getting someone to 
confirm that it's me?  Well,  my family has been in this country since 1776 
.......I have served in the military for something over 30 years and have 
had security clearances up the yingyang.........However, I have to get 
someone'important' to verify who I am - you know, someone like my doctor WHO 


You Sure In The Hell Should Know Who. 

..................And we want them to run our health care?!?



Tags: actual, hilarious, humor, letter, passport

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They don't want anyone to leave this country especially after they see their 2010 tax bill.
Well, This is pretty funny to read, but it's a bunch of bullshit.
I just renewed my pass port last year.
I picked up a form at the post office, filled in some rudementry information, nothing like what this person writes about. Sent my old, unexpired passport in, along with the picture and check.
I had my new passport, good for another 10 years, within a month.
Of course now maybe, if you are a Rush dittohead, they might want to check you out so that you don't go around the world pissing people off who will then declare war on us.
That was my experience as well Robbie. I went one better and gave the Post Office some money and they took the picture and filled in the paper work. I signed and they sent it all Priority Mail. I had my new one back in 2 or 3 weeks.
That's what my ex did.
This part caught my eye;
on the last eight damn passports I've had
This fellow must be pretty old.
You send the application to my house, then you
ask me for my f'in' address.

This part hit close to home. I recently tried to log on to a federal site, but it wouldn't recognize my pass word so I thought I would just get a new one, when I got a response that their records showed I already had one. Well if they knew that why didn't they let me in?
Bull you have to turn on your (full) cookies when you get on a Fed website.
Guess I won't be visiting any Federbull websites. I REFUSE to turn on cookies, so I am denied from many web sites. Besides, with the three heaters I have in my house, I don't need any more hot air from Washington, D.C.
I've had the same thing happen on civilian sites. I can no longer use my paypal account for the same reason. They can't process a new password because someone with my name already has a password or some such crap.
Oh well, I didn't need to order that blowup Prunella Farquar doll anyway.
I mean for use in the POV lane of course.
Of course, Robbie, we understand. You need something soft to lay your head on. :) Just make sure she doesn't blow up in your face! LOL.

Robbie, have you watched "The Real Woman" yet? It's funny and sad at the same time.
Well, I don't have to worry about that! I use the real male doll!! LOL
No, I haven't watched that yet! When does it come on?
The doll is out there now.
I don’t know what she does or want to know.
Let my imagination run wild… LOL




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