It is clear the repelican leadership is convinced the economic stimulus package is not working. They have repeated that line so many times it seems they may look kinda foolish if their assertions prove false.
I therefore propose a test. A statistical analysis should be conducted to compare the effectiveness of the stimulus spending programs in districts under control of each of the two parties.
If in Dem districts with stimulus spending the program consistantly appears to save and or create jobs, while republican districts the stimulus spending does not, then a further examination of the methods involved will be in order. The purpose is to determine if the various spending plans have predictable results. If the answer to this question is yes, and if in republican districts the results are consistantly less than optimal
then it will be obvious that economic sabotage of the communities involved has taken place in the interest of political expediency.
With this evidence we may then justify rioting and lynching.
That might make me smile. I'm not sure. We'll see.
Tags: american, analysis, dissent, of, spending, stimulus
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