I lived in Georgia, (Hinesville) for about two years, and the people were very generous and friendly, and it was warm - that was good. But the 'gaters & the rattlesnakes & the fire-ants, OH MY!
Oh 'ell yeah. Fascinating men actually. Fascinating. But I've always like American men best of all, regardless of where they are from.
And I'm from so far North (for a goodly part of my life - never mind Europe) that the term 'Yankee" does not apply. Thank goodness. I get to ask a lot of (more than likely what would be deemed "stupid") questions with immunity.
Sigh . . . Apposite ... still not getting it darling one. I'm so not from "around here" or anywhere close by - that I simply don't apply ;-D !!!
Like - I'm from a different continent . . . my ancestors from both sides . . . so no North America point of ancestral reference I'm 'fraid - I'm 1st generation. . .but if we are speaking of a former reincarnation . . . . WELL!!! Yeah! I too love Lincoln! (And I'm certain I wasn't his nasty wife in a former life - ugh!)