I do not know the details, but since some parts of the site were sold (from what I heard), I would guess that all the trademarked stuff would go along with that sale. It wouldn't be worth the lawyer time needed to pick and choose.
The last I typed in TBD, it was obvious that the old site has been sold to a company, the nature of which I do not remember, but it was not a social networking company. I would think that the TBD name and all indicia would have gone with the sale.
Yes, I see this - it's TBD dot com - but not Tee Bee Dee (TM) so I'm thinking that perhaps Robin has keep the Tee Bee Dee (TM) . Well, it's just silly (and to my mind a tad rude ) not to ask Robin to be kind enough to clarify all this for us, if she is so inclined. So off I go to ask her!
Hi everyone, the trademark TeeBeeDee is the logo you see above, and I do not believe it was sold, so this site continuing to use those three circles keeps it active/alive. Sharing Experience to Thrive is something we talked about changing, but it never seemed high enough on our priority list. So my short answer is: the logo should stay, the tagline can go if the community wants it gone or something in its place.
I 2nd your vote Robbie. TeeBeeDee is a brilliant conception, and a great 'brand" - still, and when something is spot on and has made a name for itself, and we continue to "make the name" then it behooves us not to tamper with it, unless there is just cause and a solid game plan in the works.
The great late *David Ogilvy wrote: "You now have to decide what 'image' you want for your brand. Image means personality. Products, like people, have personalities, and they can make or break them in the market place".
We are both the "image" and the "product" of this brand. We make the name of TeeBeeDee - not the other way around.
* David Ogilvy was the founder of Ogilvy, Benson & Mather and author of the best book on advertising - ever, which is entitled "Confessions of an Advertising Man ".