TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

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I have a neighbor. I loan her my laptop on the weekends so her daughter can get some school work done. I saw that she bought a "blue-ray" DVD player and I am thinking she could have bought a computer(laptop or desktop..I have a complete desktop setup ready to go 100$) I'm thinking this woman doesn't want to spend money on something she is getting for free. Ohh, it's my internet through my router that makes this all possible,I'm feeling pissy about this... My laptop, My internet...how nice do I have to be?, and when should she get a f'ing clue?
I wish you were my neighbor Jackie.
I got nothing...just wanted to be the 2000th post.
Did ya get it Q?

Or change that to Fanfare For Quinn.
Yo, Adrian Ubu--thanks :-)
Quinny? Can we call you Rocky or maybe Buck?
Call her Mickey.
To both of you!

My damn right side shift key isn't working!
And, my mouse is all weird. My one and a half year old laptop better not be breaking!
The Geek Squad will get a serious piece of my mind!
Especially since I can only access TBD from here. For some odd reason I can't access from my desk top. I guess if I put some effort into I could figure out why, but hey---can't I be lazy sometimes?

And, who the hell is Buck?
Lazzz on Q.
I had an Uncle Buck. He was a macho kinda guy. I've never met you, but I imagine you as a "Buck".

So, we can't call you Buck or Rocky or Mickey?
Two inches. TWO INCHES!
I don't put boots on for that!
Why would someone feel it necessary to run a flippin' snow blower at 6 am for two lousy inches of snow? [one hour and 30 minutes before my wake time!]




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