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I said "small", Larr.

I also said "deranged". Which counts for a lot.
Christmas is over bitches. Beware!
Apparently, the Grammar Santa didn't bother to stop by Larry's place yesterday.

"Christmas is over bitches. Beware!" implies that the holiday is some sort of feud,and the point being contested is related to either canines of the "X" persuasion, or to women of a less than pleasant demeanor. Also implied is the idea that, no matter who wins the dispute, we should all avoid it in the first place, as there can be no desirable reward for we bystanders.

"Christmas is over, bitches. Beware!" is, I would suspect, a good bit closer to what ol' Larr was trying to get across. Which would be, "The kid gloves are off, ya candy-asses", and the degenerate old reprobate doesn't have to play nice for the next eleven months.

Like that scares us, or something. Obviously the only present the jolly old elf delivered to Larr was another well-deserved severe blow to the skull (Possibly an expertly-aimed reindeer hoof), further scrambling his already-meager supply of brain matter.
You'd think that a man as thorough as Santa would remember to give Larry an adorable little bib to gather the constant flow of drool that frequently accompanies head trauma of that magnitude (and a sturdy leash, for that matter), but I hear that Larry's the designated driver come New Year's Eve. Maybe Saint Nick figured he could do the world a favor while saving himself a couple of stops on his busiest night, and just let Larry take out an entire carload of similar no-goodniks in one fell swoop.
"Kill two birds with one stone" - Yep, that's Santa's motto.
I'm sure that You and Kitty Cat can find common ground on this matter.

Just make sure that Larry is locked in his crate before you two discuss it. He goes batshit at the mere mention of the word "leash". He always thinks it means it's time to go for walkies and sniff butts with the other neighborhood mongrels.
Normally I don't read such wordy and long-winded drivel but I must admit that you're quite entertaining Snagg. I must now crown you the "Queen Bitch of the Rant and Rave".

Where's my 10 pound sledge?
"Queen Bitch"?

I think Maria has something to say about that....

And..."Ten Pound Sledge?" Larry, I assure you - There are more efficient ways to open presents.
What? You can be worse? Bring it on!
Who you talkin' bout, Quillis?
Fear this Snagg!

The "Quantum Ultrium Integrator Nuclear Nanovor ZIP 90"

AKA the "QUINN ZIP 90"
Does this make me all powerful?
Cause that is one of my goals in life...
Yes, You ARE all powerful. Congrats on reaching one of your goals.
That cheap Eastern Bloc knock-off crap? I wouldn't use that POS to trim my toenails. I saw one at a garage sale last week, and it had hardly been used. And it had hardly been used because it didn't work worth a whisker off a water rat's ass.




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