TBD on Ning

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Good for the snow, I can't land my sleigh on dry rooftops, makes too much noise.
Is RRC the best mom in the world or is she momzilla?
Momzilla?? Oh Santa, I was asking nicely for these poor blind referees, you know we should 'leave no ref behind'.
Why traipse around in 3 inch heels? Just stand on the street corner like you're accumstomed.

Perhaps a six-inch heel/boot? At least your feet won't get wet.
O, sure, six inches--no problem ;-)
You could always loan them to Larry so he can "work that corner "! (I don't see any velcro though)
The only velcro that matters to Larry is the velcro on his harness' restraining straps - the ones in the back, where he can't reach 'em..

He just can't quite accept that he can't go chasing pretty girls across busy intersections anymore, waving his "bell" at them and demanding that they sit on his lap. It's sad, really...
Quinn. OMG where are you? I saw in forum that you posted here a few minutes ago so I ran here with breathless anticipation of your wise words.

Think she'll buy that?
Not hardly.
Whadya think, I just fell off the turnip truck?
Quinn....Nobody's stable on heels like that. I don't understand why you pretend that you didn't know that before you got on the turnip truck. Geez.

And, Larr - You want us to believe that YOU ran ANYWHERE? That whole Santa thing has already destroyed what little credibility you may have possessed, and now it's just dead-horse-beating time for you, ya jolly old elf...
Hey, go rant at Jackie...he posted the six, not me! Did ya read the posts? Can you read?




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