TBD on Ning

What are you most excited about giving this year? My daughter's new friends at college, who have only known her for a few months, pitched in to buy her a new laptop. I was blown away by their generosity, although I know how easy my daughter is to like.

One of the things I'm most excited about giving this year is a pair of old Life Magazines that have JFK on the cover and have a two part interview with him - for my step daughter who is a huge history buff and is fascinated by the lives of the presidents. I think she'll love it.

I'm also going to have time to help again with the food baskets that a local group gives out to needy families. It's a lot of work gathering the things that are needed, assembling them, and bringing them to their homes, but such a wonderful thing to be involved with.

Got anything special in mind this year? What are you doing or giving that you are thrilled about?

Tags: generosity, giving, joy, love, peace, sharing

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I am waiting to see my husband's reaction when he opens one of his presents from me. He is a HUGE Vikings fan so I got him a Vikings jersey. He's going to love it!

My husband is also a real snot about guessing what's in packages, so I have to be creative. I wrapped it in a shoebox and put a book inside with it to make it heavy, and some rice so that it will make noise when he shakes it!
Ha ha! I love packages in disguise. Sounds like fun!
I think perhaps a Green Bay jersey would have been much more exciting. :>)
Probably so Bull, but I still have to live with him! :-o
One year we gave my brother something in a very small box, about the size of a ring box. We put that into ever-larger boxes, until the final box was huge. My brother had to unpack probably a dozen boxes to get to that one tiny box inside. Boy, was he frustrated when he got to the last box!
You're sneaky Calli, good thinking.
Getting my 85 year old father a Limousin bull. But I think needy family that receives the $50.00 goat I donated at church will be happy also.
You couldn't donate a sheep?! :-p
Very nice Aggie
I get my kids gift certificates to stores they don't like and they eventually give them back to me. So I get buy what I want.
Hey Ags! Sounds like fun. I love getting silly things for the kids. You'll have to tell us how it went.
I got a 1/2 cord of wood delivered to my Mom's house and wheelbarrowed
to the wood pile and stacked it for her.
That was a good one.
She is old and cold, she likes her wood stove to stay warm and save on the oil bill.




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