TBD on Ning

He was writing so much about ending his life, and how he hated everyone and everything. It is the holiday season, and it came to mind when we were talking about frugal folks. Wonder where and what he did???? Did he have any friends. I felt sorry for the man.

Tags: Boomer, life

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I was thinking about him a couple of days ago, after I realized he wasn't here anymore. I don't know if he was close to any TBD members or not.
I don't think we have to worry, he was planning on ending his life on his 60th or 62nd birthday. He has a few years to go.
Pur might know that. She was always nice to him.
Just send a prayer...whatever avenue...maybe it will help.
We all know that this is not a time of year to trifle with..just saying.
Did you see his works? Beautiful. He posted one at TBD1 that looked like two swans kissing, his glassworks were/are quite wonderful. Oh..he wasn't Boomer over there. Maybe he has found some happiness..Maybe :-)
I am so glad we have Pru. Thanks--you are a God send.
Very cool LJ. Please Sir, may we have another?
I like your art.

See, there are angels out there keeping an eye on people.
welcome back--don't disappear this time.
Glad to have you with us LJ (Boomer). Keep doing what you love, it is a gift to us all.
I heartily concur...welcome back, please be as rude and nasty as you like.

We have art that we do not die of the truth.
-- Nietzsche
Mr Swiech, thanks for coming back and sharing some of your art with us.




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