TBD on Ning

Maybe it's just me but I hadn't heard about this until today talking with my son.

It's kind of fitting since I'm reading a book about a flu in 1918 that was pandemic and killed possibly 14 million. I had never heard about it before and that is where the "Spanish Flu" got its name because that is where it was reported first.

Just something of interest. Has anyone else heard of this?


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New one on me. It sounds like it was around last year and surprise surprise its back again this year. I wonder why they didn't take some steps over the summer to better prepare the populous.
I don't think any of us should be surprised if another pandemic hits like the Spanish Flu of the early 20th century. I'm sure things like this goes in cycles. The medical community should be better equipped 100 years later to at least keep it controlled a little bit. Keep washing your hands friends.
Yeah...uh huh.

Reading that book made me realize that the flu shots we are supposed to get may be good for some strains of flu but not for others that may show up during the season. It's a gamble.
Yes Quinn, but you need to keep hydrated with liberal amounts of Guinness products.
Several times in my adult life I have contracted the "brown bottle flu". This has happened much less often as I aged (gracefully).




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