TBD on Ning

You start a rumor about me and then the next person starts a rumor about someone else...

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No Funes, she said if you had gas to light a match....
Calli, think you have him confused with his younger brother, Fumes, the nutorious!
Merry just had her fortune read - You will give someone a piece of your mind, which you can ill afford.
I'll get you my pretty!!!!AND YOUR LITTLE DOG TOOOOOO!
Jack decided to go along with Merry and bring his Buddy with him who he thinks needs a little help with his Drinking Problem.

And Jack is our fearless leader!
Merry has been getting way too Merry and needs to back to those AA Meetings that Jack suggested.
Someone stole someone elses enzyte at the Christmas Party.
Merry and I are going out to the pub for a pint of Guiness and a round of darts!
I'm running up wind, I'll stop when I hit Canada.
TSD and Merry at the Pub. Looks like they had way too much to Drink.

I look good in pink.




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