TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

Post your rant here.

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You should get a rant or two from AggieK on #1. I can barely even listen to anything Fleetwood Mac maybe because of constant overplay. I'm with you on #3. I see you're trying to revive the Civil War and good job on #5. Those guys need to be stirred up.

Will we ever take back our own country? How long will we let our self-serving politicians dictate the direction of the country. Oops. That one's a bit too serious but seriously folks.
Oh, I'm sure Aggie K. will let her consternation be known over #1...!LOL!

I think the answer to your querie can be found in a piece by Gil Scott Heron "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised"
I'm in a good mood today--Do Not get me started on this flippin' page thing!
On the plus side, I can post graphics again ;-)
That's one thing I can't handle. Someone yelling that they are in a good mood. Way too confusing. ;-)
Do we need to go over the mood thing, AGAIN?

So much for the feel good nature of this forum....

Just a small commercial break from the silliness.
Hey take your perkiness elsewhere sister!!!
I was in a good mood today...a 22 year old boy told me I had nice legs :-)
But, Ubu had to come in and ruin it with his sarcasm!
Thanks for nothing!
She's up, she's down. Good grief!!

Here's a song to fit your mood. Ending lines will be inspirational.

We just can't let this thread die. Too much to rant and rave about. Like Steve's seperated wife getting pregnant with her boyfriend. Sure seems to me like she's in no position to raise children, including Steve's child. Steve said that she's a bi-polar alchoholic and the boyfriend doesn't want the baby, I believe he mentioned that they broke up. She may be crazy and immature enough to take it upon herself to raise the child. I mentioned on Steve's question on Q&A that I hope she has a moment of clarity and sanity, long enough to realize that the child should be put up for adoption. I hope she realizes that all children deserve a childhood with 2 loving parents.

Ok, I'm done for now, I feel better.




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