TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

Post your rant here.

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We're on Page '69' now Quinn. Time to put on your happy face.
Wait, let me go get my heels :-)
One would think that there would have to be (at the very least) a feather boa, lizard-skin undies and a fifth of tequila involved.
It's always nice to share.
Watch out DD, you never know who may be lurking under those bleachers.
Lurk, lurk, lurk, smirk, grin, giggle, chuckle, ROFLMAO (Click Me)I love the view from under the bleachers!
You started it Quinny. My eyes are still burning. MAKE IT STOP!
Larry? Would you go change your Buddypoke for crying out loud...I'm tired of looking at your belly!
LMAO. The top shrunk on my footie pajamas. I took your suggestion and quit using hot water in the wash, but this is my only pair of jammies and they're starting to get pretty rank. My retirement check comes the first of the month. Just a couple of more weeks and I can afford a new pair.
Go to pajamas.com, order a pair and charge them to me...
Wait arn't we supposed to Ranting and Raving????

I get upset when a parent of one of mystudents who has been in this country for 15 years gets mad at me cuz I don't know spanish
You can rant, rave, vent, or unload all you want.

The rest you see is the attempt of others to demean, smear, belittle, and a random few besmirch.




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