TBD on Ning

There are food clubs where people eat scorpians, ants, and of course, our personal favorite, roaches. I rather suspect they get more press than they actually eat. Whats the most peculiar thing you ever ate. Once, when I was a kid, I ate a worm (on a bet with my brother), snake, goat (which at the time seemed peculiar), a (calf) brain, kidneys (yuk).,.. Now, I think I'd take whatever I had the opportunity to get. What about you.

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With a tip-o-the-hat to Snagg - a Fluffernutter sandwich.
Dry dog food, when I was about 4 years old, until a neighbor lady told me that soon I would be barking like a dog.

About 30 years ago, at the risk of traumatizing a 4 year old boy, I ate a lightening bug (firefly). During my drinking days of course, I caught the ill-fated bug and showed it to my buddy's boy, he was in awe, I then popped it in my mouth, I didn't intend to swallow it but the bug had different intentions, it started crawling down my throat. My buddy looked into my mouth and started howling, he couldn't see the bug but it was lighting up my throat. I washed it down with beer.
Larry--some of your life time stories leave me in awe of you!
Drinking heavily leads to great stories, as long as you survive to tell them.
That's funnier than hell! Thanks for the laugh!
The problem is not the bug, but the running, there is a simple remedy.
A grass milkshake. It looked pretty, but tasted terrible!
Fried Mountain Oysters.
That hurts
Sorry, Bull.
There was that goat we neutered....




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