TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

Post your rant here.

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I think we better show poor Ubu how to delete his account, after that hormonal comment.

Yipes. Poor Ubu.
Ubu...you can not find a safe enough place to hide!
At first I thought Larry was the bad influence, not I'm starting to wonder...
And, the rant will be whatever us ladies want it to be! Capisce?
Does anyone else have a headache from all the wine??
Did I throw a bottle at Ubu last night everything is a little fuzzy.
[I hope I hit him if I did]
Its Sunday morning and the ladies are all walking around with their heads bowed. As they should.
Hi Robbie ~ Not this one, heh, heh. I rarely drink alcohol and never very much. I like waking up with a smile on my face. Hope you are having a beautiful day. :)
To Quinn, Mel and Rube, hahahahaha nyah nyah.

Oh, I'll finish all right.
TPAM skips in where angels fear to tread.

Wrong thread, I know, but STFW?
Hey!!!! My horoscope said I would run into a snagg today, And here he is! Who said Astronomy is full of it?
I do, for one. And for that matter, the only slice of astrology I've ever heard that came true was when I learned that according to astrological prediction, my ex and I were the single most incompatible possible pairing of signs in the entire zodiac. You might as well have tried to pair up Michael Moore and Anne Coulter.

My best friend and I had the idea of starting a Chinese Fortune Cookie business where all of the fortunes had terrible predictions or advice; "Today you will be hit by a bus", "Bet the mortgage on the Phillies", stuff like that.
That or either trips in and falls face down.

I may need back up.
You're on yer own. I need all the listeners I can get.
Ooooooooohhhh, Robbie and Ubu....I'd duck and run if I were you. Those comments of yours are going to bring on the rants and raves big time....LOOK OUT!!! Here they come. Run, I'm tellin' ya! RUN!!!!




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