TBD on Ning

How can our country refuse to raise the cost of living for the elderly, those on SSI, and justify this? What happened to give us your poor? Feed the poor?

I am not trying to make those on SSI "poor", but honestly, how can they sit on capitol hill and vote themselves raise after raise, send checks to prisoners, spend zillions on war and starve the poor?

I am not able to monitor this discussion regularly, but welcome your insights and comments.

Please, no vulgar or spiteful comments. Just share and with integrity.

peace and blessings,

Tags: friendship, love, money, people, politics, sharing

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Why don;t they care?

The formula for 2009 provided more than the cost of living (and this is coming out of myour tax dollars, if you don't know). That didn't seem to be a problem, did it?

They didn't change the formula. Whatever the formula says is an increase, that's what is. Interestingly, when the cost of living decreases, SSI doesn't decrease similarly.

And, on top of that, the administration still tossed seniors a $250 gimme.

The real question is, how f**king selfish can you get?
I do not need or want government money.
They send it anyway.
A vote getter?
and the seniors still paid taxes on that $250.00===give them some tax free money and some free medical care like the illegal folks get.
I assume you are talking mainly about the GOP party, right? Afterall, if it were up to them there would be NO Social Security OR minimum wage even. Yet they are the first to seek ways of pouring money into defense related items. Guess it is "patriotic" to help those big defense contractors in return for political campaign money.
I assume you are talking mainly about the GOP party, right? Afterall, if it were up to them there would be NO Social Security OR minimum wage even.

And that's why, when the Repiblicans controlled the White House and Congress, they immediately moved the repeal SSI and eliminated the minimum wage, right?

I'd love to have some of what you are smoking!
I do not care what your political party is. I do not think seniors should be taxed on their social security. IIlegals are getting so much free stuff. to hell with party.
and the seniors still paid taxes on that $250.00===give them some tax free money and some free medical care like the illegal folks get.

As it happens, the marginal tax rate on $250 for 99.99% of the population is exactly zero! The only people who could possibly end up paying any tax on the $250 are the (few) people for whom the $250 pushed them into a higher bracket (and for which they can easily offset by giving that money to charity)

So. for virtually every senior (and I include myself in this group), they are getting $250 for which they not entitled because, the same formula that provided an increase every year for SSI recipients caem up with a cost of living decrease. Not only were the benefits not reduced but y'all got a $250 payoff. And you're complaining?
I am not a senior, I do not get SS, but I have a friend who is MD. He and I talk about the seniors that come to him and ask which medicine can I stop taking? He says none of them--they can not afford to pay for their medicine and food. He gives them some samples, it is not enough--they have a stroke or heart attack ---this is america---it should not be this way--We must take care of our own. This is not just one case. He has many each week. This is not a poor area. Very high income here. Washington DC less than one hr away.
It is once again the rich getting richer and those in need being overlooked by those in charge. The seniors paid their taxes, worked hard and looked forward to their retirement and now they are the on the bottom of the pole. It is beyond sad Eve it is wrong.
On the one hand some do not want the changes that could help, on the other hand the changes needed now are not coming to be. Seems a mess. In the end who pays for it all, those who have already paid their dues to this country. those who are unable to pay at all.
However we can talk about it forever it won't change until those in control get the clear message that something needs to be done now not several years down the road, when those who need it are gone forever. Sad yes, wrong, even more than sad.
Thank you for your good heart Eve, for speaking out for something so important to so many, especially the seniors.
It is once again the rich getting richer and those in need being overlooked by those in charge. The seniors paid their taxes, worked hard and looked forward to their retirement and now they are the on the bottom of the pole.

As it happens, actual facts say that today's seniors are more financially secure than their parents (or any other group). They get social security which is inflation-protected (and never decreases), they get Medicare and Medicaid (and a medicine bill, crappy as it is). This doesn't mean that there aren't seniors in dire circumstances. Whatever bill you pass, someone is not going to benefit. but as a group, seniors are far from at the bottom.

In the end who pays for it all, those who have already paid their dues to this country. those who are unable to pay at all.

It sounds good. Too bad it isn't true. Agains, I hate to have actual facts intrude on your angst and weltschmerz but the people who are going to actually pay for all of this are your grandchildren, who will have to shoulder all this debt. So be all means, give benefits away to everybody. After all, don't they deserve it because somewhere, sombosy is suffering.

Who gives a rat's rear end if we can't pay for it?
We have a girl across the street.
She gets free medicine, free medical while I have to pay for mine.
She gave the state some sob story and brags about it.
My sister in law did the same. Everything is free. She has a house and property. My deceased brother's SS and pension.He had a very good job---she got it all.




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