TBD on Ning

I'm getting ready to head South. It's cold here. I put my RV in the shop for service before I start on a 4 or 5 day trip South. I'm now sitting in a coffee shop waste(Oops! I mean, adding to the historical significance of social networking) I won't get to pick up the RV until late this evening. My dog, "Happy" is out in the car. I know that the people on tbd are very inovative so, I'll ask for suggestions to pass the time until the RV is ready. Remember the dog in the car.

Thanks, ROBBIE

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I took Happy to the dog park but it was a big sea of mud from the 4 days of rain, so we didn't go in.
Maybe I could borrow one of your old lacross sticks.
One of the squirrels is missing. Do you think Happy ate it? Or maybe it liked being in the WV Holler so much that it abandoned the RV. Jumped ship? At least they didn't mutiny, take over the RV and sail off to Tahiti. On second thought, I wonder if this thing will float?
The RV is in the shop, remember. We have an agreement,the couch is Happy's, the bed is mine. Happy did agree to share the couch with Pru and WS. Well, of course if they ask..........
Find a good walking place until Happy is tired, then find a good napping place.
Happy never gets tired. If I could find, or steal( I mean borrow) a kids wagon Happy could pull me down the bike trail.
Take Happy for a walk in the dog park. Both of you can meet some nice ladies. Then you can call him Really Happy. Maybe you'll both have company on your trip?
The good news is; The RV was ready by 2:00 pm. I also got propane. And a haircut. A very productive day. Tomorrow We hit the road.
I sure hope Verizon is better farther South. Of Course, in the winter, the further south you go the better it is.
shop, shop, shopping!




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