TBD on Ning

I love Halloween. I always dress up and go to parties. I usually dress creative and original. Loving to make people laugh, usually my costumes are pretty damn funny.
One year I dressed like Telly Savalas. I had a plastic bald wig, wore a black jacket, painted a big ass mole on my face, sucked on a sucker, and said, " who loves ya, baby" to everyone. I was a hit.
Last year I was Albert Einstien. My God, I'm tellin' ya I really looked like him. Hilarious. I have a big schnaz, like him. I, again, was a hit.
I haven't a clue who I will be this year. Any ideas?
Do you dress up for Halloween? If so what was your best costume?

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LMAO Have a Heart. hilarious !
Halloween is my favorite holiday next to Christmas. I love the colorfulness of the costumes and of the season. I love the Halloween parades.

I'm probably going to put up the Halloween decorations at home and in class Friday.

As for costumes, I don't usually wear them. Instead, I like to wear outrageous hats- witches, viking, and this year, I'll probably be a red dragon. I found the perfect hat at the Renaissance Faire a few weeks ago.
lol See picture below.

Here is a witchy hat I wore several years ago:
My daughter and several of my students have worn it too.
They would just pluck it off my head and don it on.

"To the left..to the right, above and below, Awaken ye! the magick within thee."

Stop it Maricel, you're scaring me.
LOL, Larry.
LOL @ Larry (cackling)

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork, and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg, and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

FABULOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Something tells me that someone is anxious to get through the next 45 days!
So, where is your picture HAVE_A_HEART . I'm on a roll. Great stress buster.

TeeHeeHee @ Larry, the bloodsucker.




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