I've been thinking about this since seeing the "Second Revolution" flag on television and online. Couple a new flag with dissidents waving guns at peaceful meetings, and you have acts of treason. These are folks threatening to "over throw" the current government.
Our leaders need to step up and make it clear that they are where they are because we the people of the United States of America voted them into their current positions. We the people, the silent majority, also need to step up and tell them loud and clear, "We voted in a civilized, organized manner, and we will NOT tolerate the threats of violence from a loud, hateful group of traitors."
Their justifications always begin with "what you did to Bush." Well, let's look at it. When the Congressional Democrats disagreed with the speech Bush gave them, they boo'ed... ONCE. Did they shout out "You lie!" at him? NO. Did they carry signs or bills in to wave for the cameras? NO Did they get up and storm out? NO
Thousands of people refused to let their kids to go school if they had to listen to the president's back to school speech. Did we ever deny Bush a voice in our public schools? NEVER.
Churches rallying around with "Who Would Jesus Hate?" signs meant to reference that Jesus would hate Obama. Did we ever make the prideful declaration that the Son of God would surely hate President Bush? NO WAY.
Thousands of people insist that President Obama is the Antichrist. And they are serious! Did we organize the less educated into believing such a nonsensical thing? NO.
Thousands of people might sound like a very large number, but one must remember: there are 600 million people in America. That makes these vocal thousands a very small minority.
These same thousands feel as they are the ones doing God's work. They consider themselves the saviors of souls and the rightful heirs to this nation. What they don't accept is that their behavior is actually contradictory to God's teachings, to Jesus' desires. (Proverbs 6:16-19)
Six things there are which the Lord hates, and the seventh His soul detests:
1) Haughty eyes, showing pride in your eyes as you scorn others.
2) A lying tongue, such as the outlandish claims made by Limbaugh, Beck, Wilson, and all of the others that have "bore false witness against" the President and regarding what is and isn't in any of the proposed bills.
3) Hands that shed innocent blood, the war in Iraq, every crazed gunman we've seen here in America. People reacting violently to the changes they aren't ready to accept.
4) A heart that devises wicked schemes, such as hoping that Obama fails, or those who only want to prevent President Obama from doing anything positive for fear a Democrat will get credit.
5) Feet that are swift... to rush into mischief, such as the conservative activists that set up 4 ACORN workers and attempted to set up many, many more.
6) A deceitful witness that utters lies, Limbaugh, Beck, Wilson...
and THE BIGGEST, 7) He who sows discord among brothers.
Liberal Americans have never denied obvious evidence that the elected president was in fact a natural born citizen, they have never tried to block legislation that was sorely needed, and they have most certainly never threatened to over throw the government.
They, WE, have accepted, even though it was grudgingly, that we lost elections. We made plans, but only to better educate voters by the next election. We were called traitors, but we never engaged in traitorous acts, such as creating a new flag of plotting an coo.
My message now to the ultra conservatives out there with blood in their eyes and revolt in their hearts is this: We the People of the United States of America, in an attempt to form a more perfect union, will stand and defend the nation we have worked so hard to create.