TBD on Ning

You start a rumor about me and then the next person starts a rumor about someone else...

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ocnatural doc steals the veggies growing in neighbors gardens on nights with full moons.
Yesterday, AggieK bought 2 pairs of 4 inch heels with pointy toes and velcro straps to secure them.
I heard a rumor that Larry may not be wearing any underwear.
TeeBubbaDee buys his depends in bulk. they're shipped to his house direct from the manufacturer.
And then I resell them to Larry cause he really needs them. ;-)
AggieK steals peoples shoes and throws one out at a time on a highway...making people wonder? Where is the other shoe?How did that shoe get there?
It is causing major rubber necking on the NJ Parkway.
AggieK is short for Aggrevation Kitty. Boy am I gonna get it this time!
Oh me????????
BethD spent hours looking for the missing shoes so she could have a decent pair. Then she finally figured it out.
larry has a big time foot festish.
OCNatural doc always rides shotgun in the car so she can stick her bare feet out the window.
BethD is warming up for a comeback in the Naked Ladies Weight Lifting Contest and after that she is going to compete in the Naked Ladies Tractor Pull at the county fair.




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