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Haha! I love, "I would need a stepladder to mount and a parachute to dismount!"  How tall are you? You look about 5'5" or 5'6" in your pictures--of course, I'm terrible with judging such things--lol. 

Well, then I'll hope for a tall pony who's too feisty for the kids or a short horse to come in. ツ  No harm in hoping.

Halloween is coming! Will you be going to/participating in any Halloween horse activities this year?

I'm a height challenged 5'2" which is why I favor the shorter equines and I've been comfortable and successful with them as a rule.  No Halloween equine activities this year and in fact I'll be on a short cruise up the East coast to Canada when Halloween arrives. None of the information for the cruise has stipulated that we bring the makings of a costume and so if there is some sort of party, I'll just go as a cruise participant. Yesterday Jelly Bean and I worked on establishing and maintaining a rhythmic trot and were modestly successful..maybe it was me counting the beat that helped him. Only one lesson this week as I had a tooth extraction and bone graft on tuesday and was advised against strenuous exercise for 3 days. Have a good weekend. Ciao   

Let's see--passing out candy to children or cruising up the coast of Canada...CRUISING, every time!! Haha! Your idea of being a "cruise participant" at any possible costume party is foolproof and made me laugh.

Great news about Jelly Bean. Progress is good, however modest.

Ouch. Sorry to hear about the trip to the dental surgeon. I hope you're healing well. I HATE DENTIST VISITS! ツ

Have fun on your cruise!

Wassup? Just this beauty!

Danish Warmblood Silver Medal mare Pauline sharing a moment of love.

Two partners acknowledging  their achievement and congratulating each other. Wish I could have had the same moment with Pumba but we ended the summer session with 3 lessons of him demanding control of the reigns and ignoring my aids. Fall session begins in another week and I'll find out if he's changed his mind during the intervening weeks.

Hi  Angharad....hope you are well and staying cool.  The summer riding session at HorseAbility is coming to an end with the last skills an   class being next tuesday. I wish I could say that I've made progress but I've only maintained minmum . nd have not trotted for most of this year's lessons.  There have been changes in instructors lesson horses that have had a negative impact and then there have been weather issues. I'll stop whining now and wish you a good evening. Ciao  

So sorry to hear that last summer's classes didn't goes as you'd hoped, Carol. I'm just amazed, after all your body has been through, that you can keep riding. I think that even staying status quo is a total win!!

Hi Angharad...I've delayed responding to your last message but I've been a bit down in the mouth but not about my lessons. In fact after the summer session ended and before the 2024-2025 yesr started, I did some assessment of where I was at the end of summer, where I want to be at the end of the comming year and what I need to do to accomplish that. The first thing that I realized is that I'd done very little trotting due to some of the factors above and consequently I'd lost the body memory othe post and the rhythm. I had to find that again and so I spoke with my instructor and told her that even if I was not going to be trotting for the next 2 lessons, I would be practicing posting the post at the walk and the lesson would end with at least 1 trot: the trots were short as Pumba was not cooperating. The third lesson I practiced the post again and added the two point: my legs were not too happy and I had to have my masseuse work them over.  On lesson 4 I noticed that my instructor was carrying a dressage whip and was off to our inside and sort of shadowing us and she added taps to Pumba's hind legs to encourage him to trot. Fine with me at least I can concentrate on my posting. There's 7 lessons before Christmas break and I've again changed the routine: We are practicing 2018's Intro A but with changes: entry at the walk, from C to A, trot. walk the A circle, at KXM trot, at C walk the circle,at EXF trot and from Fto X, walk. Salute normally. As we get better at that we'll slowly revert to the way it should be done. That's my plan. It may take some time though. We're a work in Progress!  Enjoy your evening.       




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