TBD on Ning

Ya-yeah. So I think I have it. I do, I have it. It would be a plan, and so now you may call me Stan. Yeah-ya. You can call me Stan, and this is my plan . . .

But first, a little history . . .


Did you know that organized crime was essential to the efforts of the resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto during World War Two? It's true. They were. The only problem is that none of them lived, so they couldn't brag about it. Ha-ha! That's almost true. There might have been one or two of them who survived, but it seems after all of that they were in no mood to brag . . .

Seriously though, there were survivors. Not many. No. Not very many.

And half way around the world Lucky Luciano sat in prison in the United States, encouraging the people from the neighborhood to help out creating maps and contact lists for the invasion of Sicily.

I guess it just goes to show that within the social construct even thugs have their place. Ya-ya! Hee! Oboy . . . I bet you're thinking, he's in trouble now . . .

but wait. Ya-yeah. Just wait. You haven't heard the plan yet.


It's simple really. Any truly brilliant plan rests on the elegance of simplicity, doesn't it? Sure it does . . .

So here's the idea . . .

I'll go down on Main Street, set myself on fire, while the kids of Lucky raid the Ivory Tower . . . haa-ha! eeYeah . . . Ivory tower . . .

Yeah-ya. I figure while I keep everyone busy screaming my life away down on Main Street, the boyz can do their thing and steal all the evidence and send it to the media. What evidence? you ask . . . Why, evidence of massive human rights violations and crimes against humanity. Sure. Haven't you heard? They're tinkering with systems of belief, distorting perceptions of reality, and generally practicing witchcraft . . .

You hadn't heard?

And if the boyz renig on the deal, then I'll just turn into a poltergeist and haunt them for eternity . . .

Ya-yeah. I'll spend eternity throwing things . . .

in an empty house . . .

© D. Winter
July 3o, 2009

Tags: American, Dissent, Plan, Stan's, humor

Views: 133

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I'm tempted to ask the color of your eyes and go with that, but this is cyber space, and that would be personal data probably best kept to yourself . . . so, umm, I dunno . . . pick one. Any color will do. Just don't tell me. Let it be a surprise . . . ha-haa! Ya, I like surprises . . .
Well, ok. But it seems I have all of these scraps assembled, seems a shame to waste them . . . shall we burn a witch instead?
Let's burn a bitch, I think there may be more available fuel.
they have been here from the beginning. you must have been busy elsewhere
Well ya. I kinda thought Job was an example of military weapons R&D and that King David simply became subject to a bigger and better shoe horn . . . I mean really, getting things done on the basis of a subject's own behavior seems to be efficient, effective, and conforms to the principles of the Art of War ennumerated by Sun Tzu, in that they are formless, traceless . . .

So, ya, I've kinda always thought the same thing, they have, they have been here from the beginning . . .

o wait . . . you weren't addressing me . . . mybad
oo, you told!

; P
It's a lonely place to be ain't it. So umm, a contest? Just to see whose crazy is biggest?

haa-haa Haa!
pecan, brazil, walnuts,cashew and me. We are all nuts--and everyone loves a nuts. The whole world loves a zero. Johnny Cash's song, was he just happy or on drugs. too long ago to remember.
It was fairly quiet today out on the street. I was going to brag or something, but maybe I'd better wait on that . . .
clearly, we live in two different worlds . . .
Let's see . . .

Back in '97 there was one guy who set himself on fire on the interstate out in California . . .
and a woman took the shotgun, killed her kids and then herself, screaming They Are Out To Get Me . . .

Then there was Kelly Baer, or the chick at the Price Chopper who went right into shock - walked right out into traffic. Her boy friend was three cars behind the one that killed her . . .

Then there was the guy whose last name was Tarbox . . .

and Marty Hopkins and Tina Davis, they leapt from a train in Nebraska . . .

Then there was James Quarrells, killed in a mall in Baltimore I believe, surrounded by people with cameras. Like Woody, he was paranoid, raving, and armed with a knife.

Cutting was a vet who survived the initial shock, only to be driven paranoid, secured in a Vet center in Mass, where the night nurse killed him. He was the last of seven victims attributed to her.

Oddly enough, it seems the nurse herself had acclimated fairly well to that collision of worlds . . .

But not everyone does, true enough.
oo, yer sooo mee-eean! hee-hee!




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