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My ability to embed is not longer there. I don't know where it went.

This is a video of Glen Campbell's amazing guitar abilities.


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He was truly one of the all time great guitar players but he never makes it to any of the list of greatest guitar. Probably because he was mostly considered "country". It is sad that he is declining in health and my not be able to play much longer.

He is put away now--he is in a facility because of his Alzheimer's.  Glen Campbell is no more.

Joanna do you not have a share button ? Embed doesn't show till you hit the share button ...

No. I explained this on FB.  For some reason, I no longer have a share button on my Youtube.  I have not idea where it went. It was always there.  I have embedded hundreds of videos, even on here.  It's just GONE.

What about Chrome Firefox IE . Neither one show it ?

ALERT:  I studied and studied my Youtube page, and there it was, small and looking completely different and in a different place on the page, but I found the share button again just now.  Thank goodness. It was bothering me!

in firefox, chrome or explorer, all you have to do is right click on the video panel, then in the dropdown menu click om copy embed code or get embed code whichever is in the menu...then you just left click the little filmstrip icon above here and right click on the box to get the drop menu...then click paste and ok...

Thank you, that was wicked cool....

yeah glen is a sad story .. most people don't know how good he really was .. before he was glen campbell the singer he was glen campbell the session guitarist .. and he was usually on everyone in los angles's list as the first one they'd call .. if they could get him .. dean martin , frank sinatra , elvis if he was in town ..the monkees , the beach boys .. he was that good .. he could have been a member of the beach boys if he wanted it .. they wanted him so bad but glen turned it down .. he did tour with them for about 6 months tho.. he was a part of an elite group of musicians they called the wreckin crew ..its so sad to see him the way he is now .. he was a big influence on me.. the song i wanted to learn so bad when i got my first guitar was by the time i get to phoenix .. i was with my dad who i hadn't seen in years , since he left and he was gettin me a guitar cause my mom wouldn't .. she didn't want me playin the guitar no way no how .. and my dad played a little bit .. so we're gettin this guitar and he asks me what songs i'd like to learn cause he thought he could tech me a little ..so i told him by the time i get to phoenix so we find the sheet music for it with the guitar chords in it and my dad just rolls his eyes .. you sure you wanna learn this ?? and mostly cause i had no idea what i was gettin into almost as much as i really wanted to learn it i said yeah .. he sighed and said well then ok .. and then muttered under his breath, ambitious little bastard ain't you ?? so we went to his girlfriend sally's pad ( honest to god thats what he called it ) it was april the 8th 1968 and my dad had a mustache and a turtle neck on with some kinda beads around his neck .. i won't go so far as to say his inner hippie was sproutin or anything like that but he was quite different from what i expected . his lingo was pretty hip for a guy who was about 48 which as i'm typin it now don't seem all that old considerin i'm almost 62 .. but anyway , he tried playin by the time i get to phoenix and had a hard time with it ..and from what i knew about him he had been dickin around with the guitar since he was a teenager .. so i knew i was probably gonna have my work cut out for me .. but i learned it and when i saw him about a month or so later i showed him that i did and i was pretty proud of myself ..i saw glen live once when i was livin out on long island at some place called hammerheads .. it was usually set up for local rock bands and was a club for the 30 and under crowd .. i think it used to be a supermarket that got converted or somethin .. and he was good .. but i think that was durin his drug fueled times so he coulda been better .. i guess cresty said it best .. glen campbell is no more .. 

here's a clip of glen with of all people leon russell .. only its not as far fetched as it seems .. glen was from arkansas , same place as johnny cash and levon helm of the band and maybe ronnie hawkins who the band used to backup back in canada .. ronnie hawkins and the hawks they were called back then .. and leon was from oklahoma which is the next state over so their paths crossed from time to time playin back in the day .. they even did a song on shindig together in the mid 60's but you wouldn't recognize leon back then .. he looked nothin like the leon we all came to know later.. but back in the 60's he used to play with glen in the wreckin crew on a lot of sessions way before leon grew his hair way long and went on tour with joe cocker and the mad dogs and englishmen tour ..this clip is from about a dozen or so years later ..( probably durin glens drug hazed period ) but even then glenn could still pick that guitar better than most everybody else .. its kinda funny how things go around .. leon used to play with delaney bramlett who was that delaney from delaney and bonnie who had eric clapton come over from england to soak up as much of that american roots music after he got sick up and fed with the loud nonsense of cream.. he originally wanted to join the band but they never invited him and he was too shy to ask so he wound up with the guys from middle america who were playin a new kinda country blues .. not the stuff you'd hear in new york or L.A. . unless they could sneak it in on some sessions they did .. and eric made his masterpiece derek and the domino's with all them guys from delaney's band .. anyway here's glen and leon .. and glen could play that guitar ..


and here;s a clip of glen and jerry reed and tom jones clownin around .. actually jerry reed was a really good guitar player too and his duels with glen were legendary .. jerry had a unique approach to how he picked the strings that they called the claw .. kinda unorthadox for most guys but it was effective .. and jerry played often with chet atkins who was also no slouch when it came to playin the guitar ..





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