just like life everything isn't drama or comedy .. there is sorrow and joy .. and all kinds of other stuff inbetween .. this group is about anything thats on your mind at the time .. current events .. sports , love , relationships ,life after death , space ships, music , and even some politics if you can do it without tryin to make it a contact sport and maybe even a good movie or song you just saw or heard .. in other words its about life and everything it encompasses..
Members: 48
Latest Activity: May 30, 2023
I't s kind of dusty here. The newest activity I see is from 2015. Well, it is the Dramady group, right? I'm familiar with the founder of the group and I know he's always willing to listen to posted…Continue
Started by Kpasa111. Last reply by Aggie Dec 31, 2018.
You know, the ones in the box. I bought a 3 pack of them (diamond brand) got home and you can't strike them on anything but the box. WTH???? Next time I went to the store I looked and they don't…Continue
Started by dwalt. Last reply by Julia A Knaake Sep 1, 2018.
wtf.....how did they get so old?Today's Birthdays: Rhythm-and-blues singer Ron Isley (The Isley Brothers) is 74. Rock musician Hilton Valentine (The Animals) is 72. Actor Richard Hatch is 70.…Continue
Started by ProblemAgain. Last reply by ProblemAgain May 22, 2015.
Where is everyone?Continue
Started by dwalt. Last reply by Patricia Sachs May 15, 2015.
My electric truck- nobody touches my truck.
In our world of sustainable agriculture, I think it is important that every cattleman has an electric pickup. No I don’t have to plug it in every night. I am referring to the sustainability of the pickup. There is nothing more frustrating than jumping out to check a calf or a fence, and coming back to find the cattle using your pickup as a scratching post. I have had my share of broken signal lights and busted mirrors. So here is a simple trick.
Whenever you park your pickup in the pasture with cattle around, back it into an electric fence. As your truck sits on rubber tires, it has no effect. Only when your livestock (or yourself) touches the truck will it give a shock. This trains my cows not to rub on my truck no matter where it is. Soon, it won’t matter if it’s electric or not, they won’t rub on it. I just have to be careful getting in or out. Plastic door handles are great but if you don’t have them, simply leave your door open and enter and exit with a bounce in your step.
The Very Happy Dreamers
Vagabonds and Gypsies
Here we are and there we go
Staying only a few days,
Weeks, months or years
Wanting Our Own Home
Sometimes living out of suitcase
No place to hang our hats
Belongings not currently needed
Still wrapped in heavy boxes and tape
Wanting Our Own Home
Photos boxed or haphazardly hung
Often only the basics were used
Our abodes look sparse
Multi use items are used
Wanting Our Own Home
Rice cooker cooks a full meal
Even boiling eggs or potatoes
Crock pot can make a cake
As well the stews and soup
Wanting Our Own Home
Color matched clothes
You learn to live with less
Laundered once a week
How long you stay not known
Wanting Our Own Home
It's called the vacation mode
You learn to live meager
Less is best is often said
Almost as someone on the run
Wanting Our Own Home
Weeks and months hunting
Sifting through properties
Making your mind swirl
Your eyes a wild red
Wanting Our Own Home
When will it end
This waiting to nest
Putting down roots
Opening our boxes
Wanting Our Own Home
Yreka ! Found a perfect
Place to hang our hats
Inspections needed
While we hopefully wait
Wanting Our Own Home
We are all packed
Waiting for the call
Being as patient as able
Holding breath biting nails
Wanting Our Own Home
Home is where the heart
Belongs with happiness
Love and harmony
Will live together
Wanting Our Own Home
Patience is Indeed
A virtue of waiting
Overcoming obsticals
Finally we are there
Happy In Our Own Home
©Julia A Knaake
i'll have to sit and watch...thanks frenchy'
oh and welcome to julia ...nice to see you again
just saw this movie .. its a short.. but interstin .. maybe you'll like it doug
© 2025 Created by Aggie.
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