TBD on Ning

so now after most of the burning and lootin and shoutin and molitov cocktails have been thrown whats next for ferguson ?? i don't think it goes back to how it was .. i'll bet quite a few of those business's won't come back .. won't rebuild . i was born in newark n.j. .. lived part of my life on the elizabeth newark line and i remember the riots back in 67 .. more than a dozen years later i was drivin a truck and went to newark for a couple of stops a week .. and springfield ave. still looked exactly the same as it did in 67 .. burned out buildins left just like they were .. they didn't even bother to knock em down .. and all the business's fled to more peaceful pastures . i moved out to n.y for a few years and came back in the mid 80's but i wasn't drivin a truck anymore so i'm not sure if they ever rebuilt newark or not .. i've been in florida since 89 so who knows .. what i had heard tho was after the riots there was a lot of arson ( most due to dubious causes for ins. more than likely ) so instead of the city gettin better year by year it actually got worse .. and the more business's that don't reopen , the more it will contribute to other business"s closin .. kinda like a domino effect .. and as goes the economy in the area so goes the housin values .. so in effect what all this riotin has accomplished is takin the breath of life out of their own neighborhoods .. and in a couple of years from now they'll be cryin why do i have to drive 5 miles just to do my laundry , or to get a carton of milk ?? and the simple answer will be , because your neighborhood is a really bad risk for business and 7/11 or exxon , or walmart or macdonalds just don't want to deal with the headaches .. and as bad as they think it is now ?? it will be much worse in a few years .. they wanted attention tho , and they got it .. now if they had only kept the protests peaceful i think the outcome could have been much different .. but they're on the map now .. the only hope they have now is if they change the city's name quietly in a few years from ferguson to somethin else that will have absolutely no association with ferguson whatsoever .. just my opinion but based on past events i think i'm pretty close to the truth .. what do you guys think ?? 

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I would like to think they could get together and rebuild a better place for themselves but it probably won't happen. When tragedy hits neighbors come together usually like Katrina I don't think it works for riots over race issues. Sad.

they had 2 rallies this weekend...one supported the officer, one was in support of the brown kid....the people attending the rally for the officer were white, the attendees at the rally for the kid who was shot were black. jesus h christ, the governor calls for a vigorous prosecution before the facts are in? does anyone actually wait for facts? and as witness to the gulf that exists, there have been officers suspended for comments on their social media which show they are less than impartial at best in dealing with people of other races. but the whole point is convene an impartial grand jury, take the witness and video testimony as well as the forensic evidence and then arrive at what truth they can find regardless of color. i think i'll stay out in the fucking woods. i'm losing faith inthe belief we have intelligent life on earth

yeah i agree , this whole thing was a rush to judgement and look where that has gotten the city of ferguson .. and the grand jury and if there is an indictment and then the trial will be a circus .. and if the verdict doesn't go the way the protesters want it to ,, even if the evidence doesn't support their views then there will be more burnin and lootin and more damage to their city's reputation and future ..there are quite a few who think that they can circumvent the law because they can protest and loot and burn and force the verdict they want even if the evidence won't support it .. either way this goes i see some sad times up ahead for the city of ferguson.. either way .. this is a lose, lose , situation ..  

I just turned the TV on.  It's like MLK's burial  What a shame.  All the soldiers who died--and this kid gets all this publicity.  Shaking my head in disgust.

yeah i saw on cnn where they were interviewin trayvons mom and mike browns mom and some other black guy who was shot's mom .. and its sad to watch cause as a parent you know that they're in pain .. you wish they never had to lose their kids .. i don't really know all that much about the third mom , who knows maybe her son didn't do anything wrong which might be why the media didn't make a big deal out of it .. but trayvon and mike brown are both controversial because they were both young and just made poor decisions .. if they could have seen ahead 15 minutes i'm thinkin they would have done it differently .. but at the time of their deaths they were young guys who had come off the rails .. and then the black community wants to blame society for what happened to them .. and then what really galls me is they try to elevate them up to the level of martin luther king .. as if they were martyr's or somethin .. dyin for a cause .. and they had no cause and they do martin luther kings memory no justice .. it all comes back to content of character .. and the really sad thing is if they had lived another few years maybe they could have earned some content for their characters because they were so young .. many a young man has righted a course that had gone far off into dangerous waters so i believe they might have too .. but now we'll never know .. i just wish they wouldn't hold them up to other young black men as good examples .. why give so much attention to them ? find some other young black men who are worthy of settin the right example for others .. i know they're out there .. we need to be shinin a light on them .. otherwise we'll have other towns that will end up like ferguson with burned out buildings and shuttered business's that won't return .. history finds a way to repeat itself .. this is the kind of thing that should be taught in social studies .. mob rules , and media rushes to judgement .. we've always had media from the town cryers to the first newspapers .. but now with cnn and all the other networks and computers and websites news travels fast .. and sometimes its not quite 100% right . and that news can fuel an angry mob by gettin out in front of a story even tho they don't really have all the facts .. and by the time they get a handle on it its so out of hand you can't get the genie back in the bottle again .. people will still believe what they heard first .. because they want to .. not because its true ..   

Now the NYTimes did an article on Wilson, the cop, and found out that his mother was a theif and neglected the kids thus fueling the liberal viewpoint that Wilson must be guilty because of that.  To show Brown pushing a store owner and acting thuggish was WRONG and pulled all the activist out of the closed, but the Times writing the article about Wilson is OK? I see such unbelievable hypocrisy on ALL sides.

  This is a circus.

his mother has nothing to do with it...but then journalists need crap to report and if a halftruth inflames events, there is just that much more to report.  and it isn't just the liberals...


gee the kkk with a facelift


i'm not sure i follow the logic of that theory tho cresty . there are plenty of families where you have two brothers... they grow up together , sleep in the same room , eat the same food , drink the same water , breathe the same air , go to the same school and have the same teachers , get the same love and attention from the same parents and yet one grows up to be a convict and the other a priest .. how can that be ?? we always try to argue the nature or nurture point and there's no way to determine for sure what you will become because in the end you decide .. not to say that your upbringin has nothin to do with who you become because i think it does, but its not the only thing ..

and to not show brown pushin that store owner around wouldn't be fair either i think .. it showed who he was and how that perfect storm came together on that day .. i think the activists were already out of the closet and all that story about brown did was make the really smart ones stop and look twice at the story they were bein told .. a lot of people wanted to believe it was a case of overzealous police work gone way way way too far .. i know i was leanin that way at first too .. same thing for zimmerman and trayvon .. it took awhile for me to come around to the other side because of all the press of what a monster zimmerman was .. but as the real story came out i found it was not like the press reported at first .. the press is a powerful force and can shape public opinion if they can spin it the way they want to . yellow journalism is not dead .. and now with the internet its like the wild wild west .. anybody can say whatever they want about whoever they want and it don't have to be 100% true .. or even 50% true ..   

The US news is why my son only watches the BBC and other foreign stations. He really believes the 3rd estate has been hijacked by the PC police. I have thought he was right on more then one occasion after comparing news sites. 

yeah i have a roku and my girlfriend is a complete news junkie .. and we can get so many options for news .. we get german news in english , japanese news in english , chinese news in some kinda .. engrish .. plus a bunch of web based news sources .. and they all have a slant .. so you have to sift thru em all to get the questions answered that you wanna know the answers to .. i'll admit i do see a bit of pc walk on eggs kinda stuff more often nowadays and that upsets me .. just tell the story and let it be heard .. i can draw my own conclusions if you give me the whole truth .. 

I read that Wilson and the whole bunch of police officers were let go in a nearby community, they fired the whole police force because of so many citizen complaints of police brutality. Wilson was newly hired by Ferguson after that. Tells me a lot about the mind set.

Yeah I saw that too. The whole police force was disbanded for corruption and brutality. A city official said they were better off without a police force. Wilson did work for that police force.




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