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Ir you buy groceries , what would your opinion be on how much they have gone up in past year ?

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My experience is either they downsize too keep from raising prices or downsize and raise prices both . Some things I buy have gone up a whole dollar per package . Spam used to be $2.48 for a 16 ounce can then they reduced it to 14 ounces at same price . Today it cost $2.64 per can that was reduced to 12 ounce .

well who can say that they like it ?? i try to shop smart and look for the sales .. i don't just go thru the store and throw stuff in the cart anymore like i used to .. now i make a list and plan what it is i need to make whatever dish i'm gonna be makin from night to night.. but there's no doubt that prices have gone up in the last few years by quite a bit .. and i don't see any signs of it goin back down again.. with all the wildfires they're havin out west its effectin the beef ranchers and the pastures they need to feed the cows so the price of beef isn't anywhere near where its gonna be if this year is as bad as last year .. its only gonna get worse .. global warmin is gonna cost everybody more in one way or another .. 

Inflation has increased the prices of all foods, but some more than others. When I was a kid, and when my kids were growing up....ground beef was the cheap way to go; you could do so much with it, and stretch it so far. Now....if I had four mouths to feed, ground beef would cost me one heckuva lot more! Milk has gone up, as well as eggs. Produce is especially high this year due to weather conditions. And ice cream? Have you bought a Baskin Robbins cone lately? Unreal!

I  have almost cut meat outa my diet . No fast food anymore . I do get the 98% fatfree processed turkey meat . I also have currently cut bread from one loaf a day to 4 slices a day . I live on green beans corn and mixed greens . I fix 4 eggs with a slice of turkey making 2 sand wiches per day . Also eat salids each day . Bound to loose some weight soon ....

You ought to add 'processed' meats to your 'do not eat list' usually way high in sodium among other things. Also 'fat free' salad dressings are mostly no good for you....go with low fat, dip fork in dressing instead of putting dressing on salad.  

Who wiped your face after eating that messy drippy fudgesicle .....

Back in the fiftys ya could take 20 dollars and get a couple carts full . Hamburger 5 pound for a dollar . Whole chickens 30 cents each . We didn't eat steak back then . It was either chicken or hamburger fixed some way or another and lots of navy beens and pintoes . 12 ounce cokes 6 cent .

wow .. 35 cents a pound for chuck roast .. we'll never see that again .. 

And, of course, people were complaining about "high prices" back then, too...

Yes they were. The average family income in 1955 was about $4500 according to the Census Bureau.

it would be interesting to see how the income versus groceries panned out over the time span. it however is hard to arrive at a similar 'average family income' because th skew which has resulted from the increases in income for the uberwealthy compared to the 'middle class'. that is sort of like the average income for christy walton and the guy who sleeps in the drainage culvert is 237 million bucks.

but it would seem logically that the prices have risen about 10 fold and the average income is of the lesser mortals has probably risen proportionately. i recall that in about 65 or 66 100 bucks in a commissary bought two full carts of groceries.with the bags stacked 3 deep....

In 55 dad worked at the brick yard . He made 95 cents an hour ...




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