TBD on Ning

Last week i had some pains in my left side . Not bad hurting pains but enough i felt them . Monday last week my tongue felt like it was numb . I begun feeling my ear hurting . As the week went by i found i couldn drink outta my cup laying on my side . Half in mouth have on the bed . This morning my face on right side is swollen . My lips are deranged kinda  . Can't blink my left eye can't wink on that eye . Is that normal ? Called doc this morn . Hope nurse calls . I am thinking i may have had a mini stroke . What ya think ?

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Or it could be Bell's Palsy.  CALL 911, NOW!!!! Don't wait for a nurse.

Crest is right don't wait. From all you say it may not be so mini.

In the mean time, take an aspirin.  CALL 911!!!!!!!

Yes, please, Wayne......call 911!

aspirin and 911 pronto wayne .. 

I messaged him over on FB. I hope he reads it.

Nurse called . Said it sounded like wwhat Joanna mentioned . Doc putting me on predizone and a fast acting insulin to keep sugaar from spikine to much . Wanted to see me as soon as possible . ? Didn't mention ems .

Wayne, get to er....NOW!!

Damn good thing i don't have a woman in my life . My tongue just droops ain't worth a damn for tongue action .....

I doing ok . Lft side of face hanginh down to chin . Start meds in the morning.  tounge hanging like a dog . Other than that I'm ok ...

Wayne, I hope you get the care you need.

Pat i know ya all are concerned but i thought about going to emergency room . Then i know what it would cost me . Medicare would pay for trip there but coming back home would cost over 500 dollars i don't have . If i felt my condition was bad enough i would call them pronto no matter the cost . I had never heard the name Bells Pausy till Joanna brought it up . I Google d it and all my symptoms point to it . Thanks




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