TBD on Ning

so i'm still wonderin , what do you think happened to flight 370 ??

i'll say what i thought from the start , or at least from the point when the stories kept changin and they couldn't find a trace of the plane anywhere they thought it shoulda been .. my first thought was , how far can a 777 fly on a tankfull of fuel ?? how much fuel did flight 370 have ?? i know a lot of the talk is about a hijackin and there are some clues to support that but why hijack a jet and then just crash it into the ocean ?? especially a jet full of chinese people ?? we're all aware of the hatred the islamist jihadists have for the usa and western europe .. they don't really need an excuse to do whatever they can to disrupt our lives in any way possible .. but the chinese ?? why ?? that part don't seem to fit unless i'm missin a piece of the terrorism puzzle somewhere .. terrorism 101 or somethin .. but it seems that their transponders were indeed shutoff .. and shutoff by someone who knew more than the average bear about how they work .. one of the transponders they had to have a special tool to lift up the floor after removin the rug and unscrewin the floor to shut it off .. so i'd think they had to have somebody watchin the passengers and crew while someone else either flew the plane or kept a gun on the pilot .. in either case not a one man job ..2 possibly 3 or more people ... the word is the malaysian pilots know somethin is up and don't wanna fly till they figure out what happened .. from what i could gather this plane could have gone over 5,000 miles or over 9,000 miles .. thats almost halfway around the world .. and if they are indeed islamist terrorists i'm sure they could have landed in pakistan , or afganistan , or yemen , or somalia .. that might fit the 5 to 9 thousand mile range .. i might have to get out my national geographic map tho just to be sure .. i guess the bigger question would be what they hope to gain other than a boing 777 .. would china be willin to negotiate with the terroists ?? i'm not so sure .. they have over a billion chinese as it is so a few more or less probably won't matter to the powers that be all that much . but to have it rubbed in their face in front of the whole world ?? whoa buddy .. that might be a different story all together and that could make things really ugly ..up till now the chinese didn't care about islamist terrorists cause it wasn't happenen to them .. this would change that .. at this point tho i really don't know just like everyone else . but to hijack the plane and then just ditch it in the ocean killin everybody ?? to what end ?? nahh .. i'm thinkin that jet went to somalia or someplace like that .. for all we know they're negotiatin for them passengers as i'm typin this and they already know it never crashed .. what do you guys think ?/ any theories ? 

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That is probably as likely as the Rapture hypothesis.

Billy Graham's daughter, Anne Graham Lotz: Missing Airplane Just A 'Small Snapshot' Of What The World Will Experience Following The Rapture -

...Aaaaaaaaaaaaand the Woo-Woo's start comin' outta the woodwork. Sad.

Oh!  And that's any crazier than the space ship alien thing?? 

Besides, that theory is so "yesterday"; my son told me that the second day it was missing.  You know.....my son, the atheist? 

I think an alien spaceship caught it in a tractor beam and took it home to study it.

"Bob, this breaking news just coming in...We have nothing new to report regarding the missing aircraft. But i'll spend 10 minutes rehashing every f'ing possible theory and even dimwitted conjectures from complete idiots to fill time and get me facetime on the air"

Well, now we know where the horror occurred. Now, we need to find out why.

yeah snagg i think thats what makes this whole story so intriguin.. why the hell would somebody hijack this plane ( be it pilot or terrorist ) just to ditch it in the ocean ?? that part just don't make sense .. kill all the people on board so nobody could find em ?? eh???? and if they get the black box ( which is really orange ) and it reveals nothin but course changes and no chatter from the cockpit ?? then what ?? we'll still know not much more than we know now .. why ?? WHY ?? WHY?? EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!.. 

I'm waiting to see how long it'll take the GOP to blame it on Obama.

At least one on the extreme edge already has, but this guy has claimed Obama to be behind everything from bad weather to bad coffee:

Erik Rush: Obama "murdered" everyone on lost Malaysia Airlines plane



Today I heard on NPR that the "black box" may only give out signals for about a month or so and the detection device they are sending will need a more specific area as it only picks up signals from a mile or two at the most.

Of course you are. 

That's me.....just a lone voice.....crying in the wilderness.  Praying for a little sanity.  Hoping for a break.  Hope springs eternal.  :-)




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