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How do you make meatloaf if you do ?

What do ya put in it ?

Mom used to put a lotta bread to make it go farther .

Mother in lad did also but she used Ketchup and bread , I hated that taste . Is bread used to soak up the grease ?

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When we married, my husband made me promise to never make meatloaf, no problem, I'd never heard of it.  I did, out of curiosity, go looking for meatloaf history:

Though modern meatloaf is an American innovation, its ancestry spans the globe, and centuries. In his cookbook, De Re Coquinaria, Roman gastronome Apicius features chopped meat combined with spices, bread soaked in wine and pine nuts and formed into a patty. In Medieval Europe, odds and ends of meat were arduously diced fine, mixed with seasonings and fruits and nuts, and molded into pie-shaped disks called pastez. The lavish spreads of 17th-century France featured loaves of chopped meats and offal preserved within a hefty layer of gelatin. The Ur-American meatloaf was born in the 18th century courtesy of Pennsylvanian Dutch settlers who were partial to an austere concoction called scrapple. To further stretch the yield of a slaughtered pig -- after the steaks, loins, chops, hams, bacon, and sausages were cut and produced -- meat was scraped from bones and combined with the lungs, liver, and heart in a cauldron of broth. Cornmeal and seasonings were added and the resulting mush was pressed into loaves, allowed to set, then sliced and pan-fried.


Still very popular in the south. I've even seen it on some restaurant menus. I tasted it for the very first time two years ago when the guy I was dating made it for me. It's not all that bad, actually. Beats the heck out of Spam! :-)

and i've never baked it in a loaf pan, just shape it on the 'broiler pan' and all the excess grease will drain out...  got me thinking of making one now, especially with all the talk of sandwiches, yum yum...

I thought his first album, Bat Out of Hell, was pretty good but he has done nothing of note since.

Duh! Meatloaf has morphed into the incarnation of his name.

Nice to see you again, P.A.

As fate would have it, this recipe was just on FB.  It is the copy cat for Cracker Barrel meatloaf:

2  eggs

No white bread?  WTH?

My recipe.
1. Get in car or truck
2. Open garage door, the one behind the vehicle you are in.
3. Drive 4 miles south on State Highway 46.
4. Turn left just before I40 exit 172.
5. Park
6. Go into Cracker Barrel.
7. Order meatloaf dinner.
8. Eat.

Extremely good meatloaf!

I haven't made a meatloaf since I divorced and if Cracker Barrel had been there then, I might never have learned to make one. They make a good meat loaf.
I also quit frying chicken too when I divorced...Cracker Barrel and several other restaurants can do it just as well I ever did.

what's a cracker barrel?

cool..we don't have that around these parts...yet

You can also buy Horehound candy there also ...




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