TBD on Ning

i remember back when we had eons there were a few singles and i joined em and we talked about al kinds of stuff that singles talk about .. and one of the topics that came up a lot was gee why can't i meet someone .. and i'd see all these girls complain about it all the time .. so i'd try and tell em what they could do to meet a guy from a guys perspective .. tryin to help em and all .. not tryin to be funny .. of course i do try to add a little humor here and there cause thats just how i am but i was truly tryin to help em .. and some of em would get mad at me for tellin them the obvious .. so i'd tell em don't get mad at me cause i didn't make up the rules .. but these are the rules weather you like em or not so get used to it .. and still they would push back cause they didn't wanna play by the rules .. so i'd say well then if you don't wanna play then just stay home on saturday night with your cat .. ( i'm not sure where i got that from but somehow i just figured if you were all alone on a saturday night then you probably had a cat or two ) so .. i saw this the other day and i remembered all the times i had said it .. so do you think this is true ??


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Now that is funny!! I remember some of those chats on eons too. And anyone that says "you would never know I have a cat" has either lost their sense of smell or nuts.

Well, I, for one, appreciated your (sometimes) brutal honesty.  I have said similar things to friends of mine and online, and it is not welcomed a whole lot.  I think a lot of women want men to be made in their (womens') image.....rather than the way the Good Lord made them.   I, for one, do not want a man who is "in touch with his feminine side".  I've got girlfriends who satisfy that need.  I want a man who thinks, feels and acts like a man.


Viva la Difference! 

I was thinking about this on my way home tonight.  I never in a million years would have predicted that I wouldn't have an SO in my life.  Not that I think I am all that special, just more like that I think I am pretty easy going and accepting of other people's foibles and I try not to be too judgemental.  I have a pretty good sense of humor and I like to cook and take care of people that I care about. I don't have a lot of hang ups about sex and can be adventurous with the right partner.  So every now and again, I wonder "WTF" and "is something wrong with me" and "what did I do wrong".  And yeah Frenchy, I probably know what I should be doing...kinda had a friend for awhile that kept my mind off such stuff, but that seems to be fading so the FWB arrangement has fallen by the way side and again I find myself wonder WTF?  Oh well, I have gotten myself new cats yet, so I guess there is still hope.

All I can say about this, is the grass is always greener. Single people want to be married, married people want to be single.  Having been both, each has its good and bad points.  Loneliness happens even when you have an SO. And it happens when you're single. I think loneliness is a mental state and has little to do with whether or not there is someone else around.


What is the key to a relationship?  I think at least one of the parties has to really be into commitment and compromise  and willing to make it work.


I would definitely have cats and dogs.  The more heartbeats, the better the home.


Oh,  yes, Crest!  No way do I want to be married!  But, like T2 said.....I think I'd make a pretty decent girlfriend.  I'm open, honest, faithful, a good conversationalist, smart, adventurous, funny (on occasion), a good cook, and I like football.  What's not to like? 

:-)  Oh, well!  Their loss.  I have my dog.  (No Cat Person here !!)

You think if I started walking now.....I'd get there by this time next year? ;-)

and he's a tall one too karin .. you won't be eatin spagetti off his head .. just sayin .. and he's a musician too .. and you know what they say about musicians .. 

Ooooh, if anyone knows about musicians.....it would be you, French!

I was single from age 27 to 36, lots of people gave me advice about dating which I ignored for the most part, (no cats) I'm remembering meeting lots of guys who were married and I wanted nothing to do with that type of mess. Looking back it was a really fun time in my life. I dated enough and made some great friends then I was in a vulnerable funk period when I was feeling lonely so I married someone I knew I should not and it was a disaster. I wish I had gotten a bunch of cats instead. Luckily I was single again from 45 to 47 when I married a great guy.

First marriage, cats would have been an improvement. Guy I dated for ten years had two cats but he didn't think I had enough money. My 2nd husband stole me away from El Cheap-0 and Ollie had one cat. Who is still with me. He's an only child. I've had dogs and I think that the cat is way cleaner. Hello, I'm home on a Saturday night alone with me cat and I've seen what's out there and the cat has got it going on. Ray has tried to bring more kittens home many times but I don't want more than one cat. Maybe a fish tank.

I don't think I've ever whined about being single at this point in my life. I'm rather trying to avoid Mr Almost but no thank you. Waving my crAzY CaT LaDy freak flag for all to see. I married the love of my life and I know what that's like. I'm very blessed. I have a housemate to dwive me cwazy and that's going to have to do for now.

I hope the dog doesn't eat the chinchilla! :-)

About 3 years ago, I went out with a guy in my neighborhood. (we MET at the local library....LOL)  I think it was our 3rd date and we went out to Olive Garden and EGADS....he smelled like CAT PEE!! (He said he had 3 cats I believe) There was nothing special going with him anyway so after THAT date, that was IT!! He waves at me every day when he passes my house....LOL!


WELL....HERE is the secret...EVERY TIME I get on those dating sites and entertain myself by reading some crazy profiles AND finding my dream man (who NEVER responds to my note), I end up meeting someone REALLY GREAT "in person". SO, I guess THAT is the secret!! Although, things are great for ALMOST a year then the RED FLAGS start arriving.  Well, its fun while it lasts and I like living "ALONE" anyway!!!  (Well, if you call 4 dogs and several birds, and a grown daughter I see a few times a week "alone". Close enough)




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