TBD on Ning

Can you remember the last time you got a real letter from a Friend or Loved one ?

Do You Miss Getting One ?

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If we fired everyone who does their job poorly......Washington DC would become a ghost town overnight.


can't...stop....myself....There should have been an exclamation mark after the "Touche`".

you forgot it again. !!!!

we know you cain't stop from toucheing yersef, snag...we just know it

I plead fleas!! FLEAS excuse my lack of fine grammar! I was distracted.

What is he touching? I thought "touche" was the french word for butt...but then I never learned them fancy French words. Maybe that's spelled tush...maybe not French after all?

dairy area is French for butt

touche le tush? you know them froggies is perverts

well now,if that don't tickle my behindus.

I heard about that about being perverts....like what that about "whores dorvers" that just seems pure nasty to me...and it's something to eat?

Well...Tant Pis, as them froggies say.




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