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Gotto paint the house in the upcoming days. Let some rude neighbors know that if they kept up the bull puckey, I'd be calling the co I got oil from and let them know why I dropped the account. The husband who thinks my boobs are too small , lot's of nerve! works for that co. That shut them up for a little while. If I really wanted to fight with someone, I'd go back and live with my first husband but I'm over the hump as far as grieving is concerned and I'm willing to stand up for myself. Got out and saw a bunch of awesome people today. So it balances out.


Happy Birthday Cresty and two hots up!!!!!!

Here's another Video....try this one.

I imaging this happens a lot in up scale stores . I have never seen anything like this in my life where i live .

I just saw the snarky comment referring to someone else being snarky...

I know you are but what am I? Really?

I don't know you at all...and it appears you know little about Frenchy or many of the other folks here.
If you have issues with things that have been written, then speak up...and address those who have offended you.

Make a post...would love to hear from you.

Hey, I want to be the snarky one.

I've always liked being a wise ass...On the internet it doesn't really have the same effect though....sigh...somethings...ya just gotta be there.

I've had my momements with snark too...even when I'm being sincere...eye of the beholder I guess.

great video ms v....and pretty disgusting how many people WON'T speak up when they stumble across this sort of thing ...remember the 'jokes' about the white house lawn being converted to a watermelon patch and state dinners being kfc fried chicken?...and it may say more about the person telling the jokes than they want to admit when the jokes are demeaning about women, other races and such....kinda like the guy with the small winkie you think?

and i was sure i was the snarky one....but then i don't discriminate...i am an equal opportunity snark-distributor

I go to snarky quite often.  I have to literally tell myself not to.  It's so normal for me to use verbal irony and sarcasm.

Blithe, that video  when the customer cried actually brought tears to my eyes--and when everybody walked out with the black woman.  Yay.

Do you find that upscale stores are not only racist ( I think even Oprah was directed to a side entrance or something at some store in Chicago that she could probably BUY), but also snobby?  It could be my own insecurity, but I have felt scrutinized by salespeople in certain stores at the Short HIlls Mall, a very upscale mall in NJ.


Don't I know it!  I went with a friend of mine to buy a cocktail dress.  Her husband gave her $500.00 and told her to buy an outfit to go to the CMA Awards in Nashville.  She'd never spent that kind of money in her life at one time.  We went to the Fox Valley Mall in Naperville, IL, a rather upscale neighborhood.  We went to some store with an emblem instead of a name above the door.  I haven't a clue what it was.  We were attacked (figuratively....not literally) as soon as we walked in.  They wanted to know what we were looking for.  I told them we wanted to see the after five dresses. She looked us up and down and said, (and I kid you not!), "Are you sure you're in the right store, Dear?"  I told her, "You know? You're absolutely right. We are definitely in the wrong store.  Apparently one needs a different color money here."  My friend was embarrassed; I felt bad for her.

Sort of reminds me of Julia Roberts dressed as a hooker on Rodeo Drive who couldn't be waited on in a snooty store be cause of the way she was dressed.
The clerk in the video was much more blantant with her comments and it was for sure racially motivated which is even against the law.
I have traveled with a number of teacher friends who are black,hispanic, and white. There is no doubt in my mind that racisim and stereotyping goes on in most every part of the country...from servers in restaurants, to cabbies, to desk clerks, to store clerks. I've reported several to management and walked out and refused to honor a reservation before. I think it's seldom a business policy on the part of the owners but I do think the staff needs to be held accountable for their behavior.
There are businesses who have been sued over this type of behavior, and rightly so. If more people would stand up against bullies and racist behavior it can make an impact. People do this because they think they can get away with it.

or like that one really weaselly fuck who agreed with the clerk and changed his tune for the camera....that may be even worse cause it means that person has NO standards of what should be or not be acceptable...if better change is going to come, it will have to be because everyone demands it and a businessowner is told to wise up or lose business

When I owned a home in Bridgeport, CT, I was told> "Whatever I do, don't sell it to a black person."


To which , I promptly replied that I had grown up with black neighbors and they were wonderful and they were.


They had the best Barbie collection I had ever seen. The Barbies were so lovingly taken of and probably vintage. (black Barbie dolls) Their property was spotless, not a blade of grass out of place, peach trees and okra. I used to bring the grandmother flowers. And the grand daughter stopped playing with me abruptly one day because I said ,"I think colored people have the most beautiful noses." She jumped up and said,"I'm not colored, I'm Black!!!" Stomped off and never played with me again. I had no idea that saying colored was wrong. I think I was 7 or 8.






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