TBD on Ning

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Go back to page 2 of this thread and see what he popped in to say.

The man who called me (and others here) a racist....and then did not bother to respond to my explanation....or anyone else's. I am still waiting for another response, as well. I doubt I will get it, tho. Apparently, it's easier to "slam and run" than to read what others have to say in their defense.

My LABEL for that kind of behavior is shit stirrer. 

An appropriate label, I concur.
Thank you, Rose, I greatly appreciate that. You are a class act. It is a deeply emotional issue, and I understand how you can feel adamant about it. I feel, however, that we need to put our emotions on the back burner when we read posts here.....regarding this and many other issues. When reading printed words on a screen.....we miss things....like tone of voice....tongue-in-cheek humor.....sarcasm.....and the personality of the person commenting. If we take issue with what someone posts....we should simply ask politely for them to explain or offer them a chance to rephrase it more clearly, so as to avoid misinterpretation. Accusations and name-calling is for 5-yr-olds. One would hope we have progressed beyond that.
Once again.....thank you. I reiterate.....I never meant any disrespect to you or anyone else. I do think, however, that we all need to take a deep breath....and step back.....and try to determine where the other is coming from before we dive into the deep end of the pool. All of us....myself included. I am not immune to this, by any means. I fully intend to practice what I preach.
Thank you, Rose, for allowing me to set the record straight.....instead of popping in.....calling me a bigot.....and then disappearing.....as can be said for the other individual mentioned. That never solves anything.
You took the high road, and for that I am grateful.

You know what?  You both have taught me how to reconcile with gentility.  I'm too quick to anger and fight and get snotty, but I don't hold grudges so that's a good thing, right? --I just move on like nothing happened but that might be the coward's way out.

Your forgiveness for each other is a beautiful thing to see. Thank you for this lesson.

Hey, Rose.....maybe we should go on the road with our message....ya think? ;-)

My husband was on his deathbed when a man in the next room hissed loud enough so I could hear him that he "Hated New Yorkers and he HATED JEWS and he hoped that I would hang myself in the next room!" Very soon afterwards I went home to feed the cat and the whole house smelled like gasoline. Someone had spiked the oil tank in the basement and while my dear husband was on his deathbed looking for me, I had to be at the house with the repair man making sure that it was cleaned up so that I didn't lose the CO on the house. Now the town is telling me that they've lost my homestead exemption paperwork that would save me hundreds of dollars on my taxes. My husband died in 2010. It's wonderful to see this group talking it out. I love my home and a few rotten apples aren't enough to chase me away from what I want.

There better never be anyone brave enough (or stupid enough) to refer to my granddaughter or great granddaughter as "disgusting" when I'm around! But not everything is the same as it was; people are evolving....hopefully for the better. My granddaughter just married a "good old boy" from the South. He is currently serving as a medic in the Army. He is a wonderful stepdad to my great granddaughter....never mind her mixed blood. In the 60s, that would never have been possible. Maybe there's hope for mankind yet.
However.....we still can't get the Tutsis and the Hutus to like each other.....or the Sunnis and the Shiites.....or the Iraqis and the Kurds....or the Jews and the Palestinians.....and the list goes on. Hell, we can't even get the Democrats and the Republicans to play nice!! I think as long as the human race exists there will be hatred and mistrust of anyone not like us. It's always been....and sadly, will probably always be. I joined a Christian group on FB once.....and the only people posting were atheists who argued with us and insulted our intelligence. I lasted two days and quit. People are never going to be perfect; that doesn't mean we should stop endeavoring to be

oh ok ..i get it ..  kinda like that perri girl who said i don't get it but when i asked what it was she meant or probably misunderstood she won't answer either .. so.. thats what a shit stirrer is .. i think i get it now .. 

Kinda.  That kind of thing reminds me of another TBD from long agoooooooooooo...

it wasn't somethin i said was it ?? 




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