TBD on Ning

i've seen bits and pieces of it but i'm watchin these talkin heads now who are sayin that john good the last witness who actually did see zimmerman on the ground and treyvon on top whoopin him mma style ( which means mixed martial arts like ufc or ultimate fightin champinship ) has opened the door for the prosecution because he said maybe zimmerman could have wriggled free . which would mean that he didn't have to shoot trevon because he wasn't in imminent danger .. as if he could have just gotten away as easy as snappin your fingers ..but the thing is tho if you knew what zimmerman had said in his deposition when he was arrested ( yes he was arrested , a lot of people think he wasn't but he was , and he was questioned for 5 hours , and they took his clothes for evidence ) he said treyvon saw the gun in his jacket in the holster and tried to take it from him and they grappled over the gun and it went off .. so i'm not sure how zimmerman could have prevented that unless he just handed the gun over to a guy who's beatin your brains out .. but does that make sense to anyone here ?/ hey lemme give you my gun so you'll stop beatin me and you can shoot me instead ok?? ..  they should get some guys who have done their homework on this event to commentate .. 

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Yes he did. Neighborhood watch rules clearly say that watchers are not to be armed.

Thank you, P.A.!

I would expect more judgement and maturity from Mr. Zimmerman in this situation then I would from Trayvon, a 17 year old male. Many young men that age given the same situation would use similar judgement I imagine... a rainy night...it's dark...there's some guy watching him...he may have smoked a doobie on the way to or from the jiffy store. According to testimony, Trayvon had been with friend most of the day, playing video games and watching TV.... walked to the store to get a bag of candy and a drink and was coming back because the candy was for his friend. There is no testimony he was looking in windows, snooping around vehicles...ya know suspicious behavior. He was walking back home from the store.
If Zimmerman he was going to get out of the car, why didn't he speak to him? Tell him who he was and ask him if he lived there...he had made a decision to engage by getting out of the car. As far as we know Trayvon was doing nothing suspicious...just walking back toward his apartment.It was Zimmerman who behaving suspiously, getting out of the car, not speaking, following him. Who wouldn't feel threatened? What would many 17 year old men do? Confront the potential threat.
And the MMA thing...my nephews do that stuff all the time.. the wrestling, the moves...it's TV and video games..so if they were feeling threatened, it would be natural for one of them to confront and try to take someone down.
The whole incident was under Zimmerman's control and he exercised piss poor judgement and caused something to escalate that should not have. Should he bear some culpibility? Yes he should. Trayvon paid the ultimate...
The past deeds...the pics on the news...the talking head opinions...the usual suspects that love the spotlight...totally irrelevant. Does that this righter or wronger...nope.
Is it a racial thing? If it had been my 17 year old white nephew walking from the store to my house and Zimmerman saw him...would him being white change what he did... cause him to stay in the car or speak to him or indentify himself?

not Trayvon.

if you listen to the 911 call that zimmerman made he did say he was kinda wanderin around vicki .. which was why he was watchin him .. as far as actin mature ?? ehh .. kinda hard to act mature if someone is poundin your head into the sidewalk after they broke your nose .. once treyvon took it upon himself to attack zimmerman all zimmerman could do was defend himself .. treyvon could have also called 911 but he didn't .. why not ?? he had a phone .. he didn't need to confront zimmerman .. he was out of zimmermans sight and then doubled back .. why ?? if they have a neighborhood watch program in your community i think it was tracy martins responsiblity to inform his son ( who was only visitin at the time and had never been seen by zimmerman before so he had no idea who he was ) that if you see someone watchin you thats who it might be.. there are a lot of things that could have been done differently .. treyvon could have been the type to not strike first and settle things with his fists.. and yeah zimmerman could have gone home and locked his doors and looked the other way too.. but then thats not what neighborhood watch is all about is it ?? and the past deeds do count .. if they didn't then they wouldn't have brought up zimmermans past again and again and again and then again 10 more times just in case you didn't hear it the first three times .. but we're not supposed to know anything about treyvon.. i think him havin that jewelry and the burglary tool is huge .. i think him fightin in the streets is big too . content of character .. it all plays in .. mlk was right ..   

Thank you, blithe!  I agree totally.

What made Trayvon suspicious? How could Trayvon have helped to mitigate that in Zimmerman's mind?

If Trayvon's character has nothing to do with anything, why are so many of his records sealed?

Trayvon 17, Zimmerman 28--what a volatile mix.  One hasn't a clue and knows it and one hasn't a clue but thinks he does because he is a little older.

According to the pictures, Zimmerman didn't shoot because the kid was black.  He shot because the kid was beating the crap out of him, but this is why any jo schmo having a gun is not such a good idea, although, I wonder how it would have ended if Zimmerman didn't have a gun.  I don't think He would have been beaten to death. 


It's funny that P.A. said good thing Frenchy wasn't on the jury because he is not at all objective.  Frenchy is not objective one way, and others are not objective another way, but the Frenchy side has some good hard facts and the feeling side has only feelings.  None of us is objective in this case.


The only question that always enters my mind that would color this whole thing is would Zimmerman have scrutinized the actions of a white teen walking in the neighborhood and if not, why not?  Have their been lots of crimes committed by black youths in that particular neighborhood? Then it's not racial profiling, it's perp profiling.  If not, what motivated Zimmerman?  Without an answer to that, I can't come to a good conclusion about who was right and who was wrong.


Another thing I'd like to know, but will never know, is who put hands on whom first?  Do we know that?

thats a good question vicki and the answer is simple .. it was a rainy nite and anyone who lived in the area would have been tryin to get out of the rain but treyvon was just kinda wanderin lookin in the windows as if he was window shoppin .. these are things they teach neighborhood watchmen to look for .. i think its number three on the list of clues to look for .. and also this wasn't zimmermans first rodeo .. he had been doin this for some time so after awhile you get a feel for whats out of place .. and to answer your question cresty  there had been a number of burglaries in their gated community in the last year and every time the perpetrator was a young black male .. thats on record .. as far as who struck who first i'd have to say it was treyvon who struck first .. i could be wrong about that but if trey didn't wanna fight he could have easily outrun zimmerman .. but he didn't .. if he was scared he didn't have to double back .. but he did .. again thats on the 911 tape zimmerman made .. he said he ran , i can't see him , he's gone now .. why didn't he just stay gone ?? nahh .. he came back to fight .. that brings us back to content of character .. zimmerman never hit anyone while on neighborhood watch before .. why now ?? trey had been in quite a few fights in the last few months .. one of the tweets that didn't get erased right away was about treyvon swingin at a bus driver and might have been part of the reason for the 10 day suspension but again his school records are sealed so we can't look at that .. 

oh yeah another thing to add .. treyvon had no marks on his body at all except for the gunshot wound and bruised knuckles .. so if zimmerman had hit him it must have been on his knuckles with his nose .. yeah thats what it was .. zimmerman struck trayvons knuckles with his nose and that started the fight .. 

Treyvon is dead. That is a pretty bad mark if you ask me.
Frenchy you miss the whole point. If Zimmerman had minded his own business he would not be on trial and Treyvon would not be dead. That is all that matters.

But Zimmerman was neighborhood watch. He would not have been doing a very good job is he had minded his own business.  More complications.




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