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When You Started School were you aware of White's going too White Schools and Black going too Black School's ?

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i started school in 1964

i went to school with Polish kids,boy howdy, did i feel out of place.

all those Polish jokes aren't really true.

Nah. I started in 1950 in a diverse school in Chicago. The neighborhoods were ethnically and racially pretty separate, but the school encompassed quite a few different neighborhoods.

To be honest, no.  There were no blacks anywhere around.  I grew up on a farm and everywhere around me was dairy farms.  I grew up with some mean boys though.

i'm still in central NJ.

haha,i'm good,i'm on the edge of farmland,tiny little 2.2 sq.miles.

yea,comfortable little podunk town.

Yes I was. I ivied in a very small rural community. There were lots of Blacks in the area and they went to a separate school about a mile up the road from my school. Neither school was very big. My school had two teachers for grades a 1 through 8 and the black school had only one teacher for the same grades. In all of may early education I went to segregated schools. The first time I went to school with black people was in college.

Not a clue!  I went to school in Duluth, Minnesota.  I didn't see a black person until we moved to Milwaukee when I was 5.  I still remember my Daddy explaining the whole "different races" thing to me while we were in the car, driving south to Milwaukee.  We didn't have segregated schools in Milwaukee, so I had no clue there were towns with those schools.  I didn't mind at all the black children in my school.  What bothered me.....and I kid you not.......was that there were no hills in Milwaukee.  I couldn't believe they made towns flat like that! 

I started school in 1956 . Lot's of Black's back then around us . I learned quickly that the black's went to their own school and us whites went to ours . Blacks back then were called Negroes . Most white people called them the "N" word which i despise . We went to school like that till 1968 . I was in 10th grade . That first year only a hand few came to our school . Kid's made fun of them . There were fights . One morning several of the teachers learned there was gonna be a fight . After the first white boy expressed his opinion the teachers took care of that . One teacher that was a coach body slammed that white boy . Don't remember anymore fights . The year of 1969 more came and so on till all were mixed . I am proud  to call them African Americans . Still to this day people still use the "N" word ....

I guess it was growing up in the south thing ...




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