TBD on Ning

I had a crazy dream last night that makes no sense whatsoever. Anybody have any ideas about it? 

I opened my attic stairs to get something and my my dog, a rabbit that was supposedly my pet, and a raccoon all went up there.  I called, they didn't come, so I just closed the stairs. 

Later I went back to get them. The dog came easily.  I was a bit afraid of the raccoon and thought I could just leave it up there and it would find its way out or die, but then I couldn't do that.  Surprisingly, it came to me and was licking me and as sweet as a pet would be.  Still a little afraid, I asked my sister to help me cover it with a pillow case so I could take it and release it, so she did.  It never struggled as I held it in my arms through the car ride to a sidewalk where I released it.

The white rabbit, named Angelina which was my now deceased cat's name, I never found again.

WTF?  Any ideas?

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I am amazed that you remember all those details. I dream every night but very rarely can I remember anything the next morning.

I'm surprised as well. I wrote it down almost immediately, a trick I remember from when I was in therapy. We forget the details and even that we dreamed as the day wears on and other thoughts flood in.  It was so bizarre that it stuck in my head and out came the paper and pen.

i had one one time that was pretty bizzare too cresty .. and i too wrote it down .. then i looked online for a dream analysis site and sent it in .. they took certain words and keyed in on them and came to some kinda conclusion altho in the end i had no idea what it all meant .. had another one about a pool that was full of dead leaves and a snake .. a big fucken snake .. and a gate .. and i let the snake go out the gate after i discovered it under all the leaves .. accordin to the analysis the snake was a lover who i had just broken up with and the gate was my heart .. and in my real life i had just told a girl i didn't want to see her anymore .. and she could be a real snake sometimes which is of course why i didn't wanna be with her anymore .. so on that dream they nailed it pretty good .. the other dream was a bit more involved and i'm still wonderin about that one .. but do a google on dream analysis and type in your dream and see what they tell you .. try a few different sites to see how similar or not they are .. i'd love to hear what they think of it .. 

The only thing I would suggest is that your subconscious is telling you that something you were afraid of or some event you were dreading will be fine. (raccoon) the white rabbit?? might be something you need to let go of.

Interesting.  I have a medical issue that only my sister knows about.  Will get some answers tomorrow.  Hmm.  That does make sense.

My personal opinion is that dreams don't have much deeper meaning, and Freud is entitled to his opinion.  It is the subconscious randomly blowing off steam. If it is repetitive in my opinion again it may mean something.  Most of my dreams are quest/journeying type.  I have done a lot of long distance hiking and often in a dream I am on foot traveling, for some reason also through labyrinth-like buildings like the character in Kafka's The Castle or other bizarre Kafkaesque, Byzantine writings. If I have a doozy I try to write it down as soon as possible. After extreme exercise and/or at high altitude I get the best most lucid dreams. I read alot of Carlos Castenada years ago and he worked a lot of dreaming stuff into his writings such as how to control the dream once you were in it.

It could be that once you had a dog that killed a rabbit and half was shared by a Raccoon so the dog and Coon were sympatico but the rabbit was never seen again. Now they have all went up to animal heaven where the rabbit and the cat are wondering why they have the same name. ;-) Perhaps google what being licked by a raccoon in a dream means; I'm not even going to wing it on that one. What were you watching on television the night before?

Django!  Lol!  And it was good!

I'm not familar with the whole story of Django but I bet the dream is connected to that. From what I understand it's a pretty intense movie...might have been your way of trying to process all that you experienced watching the movie. Thats my guess...

Many movies give me strange dreams...especially if there is violence or unusual plots or characters. 

Good thing the Raccoon wasn't Rabid . Maybe the Rabbit was a reincarnation of your cat . So you dreamed in color ....

I have dreamed the same thing over and over through the years . I have dreamed many times that i was shot in the throat buy an arrow with a big black bear after me . After ending work i keep having nightmares from my work . Never was good enough to suet the boss man .

A lot of dreams are sparked about something you saw , heard , read ....




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