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Morning-after pill OK’d for 15-year-olds !

Any Thoughts ?

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I agree

I agree also . If it had been produced 20 , 30 years ago . I wonder how the Pregnancy rate would be ...

I really don't know when it was produced ...

I think it will help reduce unintended pregnancies and the resulting abortions and other problems.  It is short of a previous court order though in "April by U.S. District Court Judge Edward R. Korman to make EC available over-the-counter to all ages within 30 days of his decision."    http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2013/04/30/administration-again-f...



Wonderful idea, I'm so glad some of these girls who are ignorant about unprotected sex or sex that they are forced into have a plan B. Much better than making them mothers before they are grown up.

I don't much care.

I stopped dating 15 yr. old girls a couple of years ago.  

How many acquired the morning after pills .....

just what would be the point in NOT allowing it to be available besides trying to punish them "fer being such sluts"? course it is also used in cases of date rape and the like... those against this usually can't see anyone THEY know having to deal with the situation....til it happens to their daughter, niece or granddaughter....remember the old days? the girls from the better families had 'female troubles' and had to have a d&c to alleviate the problem..it was the poor girls that couldn't get abortions......and had babies...and ended up a single mother school dropout working at kmart or wallyworld or maybe married to a high school dropout 'who took responsibility' in a dead end job trying to make ends meet....

oh and remember  that quite a number of those against this sort of thing are also the ones who want the use of such terms as vagina and penis banned from those health  and sex ed classes so we can be assured the poor little dears don't get exposed to nasty ideas...or at least don't have a frickin' clue about avoiding pregnancy...that way they can believe all those tales like 'you can't get pregnant the first time' or 'if he pulls out, you won't get pregnant'....forehead slaps all around, barkeep!

If men got pregnant it would not only be over-the-counter, it would be off the shelf.  Over-the-counter can still be intimidating. And there have been cases of pharmaceutical people claiming a religious exemption and refusing to fill even doctor's prescriptions for older women.

If I ever had a pharmacist do that, I would have all my friends and relatives withdraw any business from that place within hours. 

I really hate these self appointed so called moral jerks, the personal lives of these guys are usually the worst.

I suppose it's better than nothing....my understanding is that it to be sold next to the condoms, spermicides, and lubricants. The cost for the Plan B is $50...still hoops for girls to jump through...hopefully they'll finally get it right.

Our girls and women need to be protected and supported by our society instead of being punished for inticing those boys and men who can't keep their babymaker in their pants.

I guess there is a judge whose intent is to loosen up the requirements even more...interesting the timing of this announcment isn't it?

Wonderful idea!  Maybe it will reduce the number of abortions on fetuses that have already formed arms and legs and have hearts that beat.  Almost four thousand abortions a day in the US alone is a barbaric number.




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