TBD on Ning

I am such a  night person.  When I work and have to get up at 6am, I feel comatose.  I find that people take a morallly superior attitude when I say I slept until ten.  "TEN????  So laaaaate?  I've done two loads of wash by then."

It's really just biological.  I have worked all my life, but my body has never gotten used to getting up when the sun does and going to bed when it goes down.

When I had two kids a year apart and my ex travelled, I felt like the night lay ahead of me after I put the kids to bed. Sometimes I'd be up until 4 sewing or doing crafty things in the quiet, listening to music, recouperating from the mommy stuff. That was ME time. When is your me time?

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Throughout my whole life it seems I have 3 or 4 days a week that I stay up until 2 am, I tried to go to sleep at a decent hour when I was working but it didn't happen much. The odd thing is I often get up early before 7 am. I do take some naps in the afternoon now that I'm retired but not long naps.

My husband is in bed asleep by 10 or 10:30 and he sometimes sleeps until 8:30 or 9 am so I have lots of time on my own.

Yesterday I was up at 5:30 am I think I was asleep by midnight because the book I was reading was in a boring chapter.

I am a morning person I guess. I wake up when it gets light. In the winter that is about 7:00am but right now it is 5:45. I don't usually go to bed that early, somewhere between 11:00 and midnight. Obviously I get more sleep in the winter than I do in summer.

definetely a night person... the alarm has gone off at 6am 5days a week for 40 years and i'm still not used to it! i'm up til after 12am most nights...  weekends are for sleeping late, which is 9-10 on saturdays and a little earlier on sunday--the sunday paper and breakfast are my 'sacred' time.  i was fortunate that my kids were sleepers too. 

i find it very easy to switch my clock, once when i  worked a 2nd shift job, it was very easy to get home at midnite and stay up til dawn and then sleep til time for work.  needless to say i didnt have much of a life at that time....even now an extended vacation with sleeping late, i can end up sleeping all day and be up at night....

I could never stay up til 4:00 and then get the kids up and out at 6:00!  I need about 6 hours of sleep to function.  I am, however, a night person, by nature.  I get a second wind about 10:00, and I never get to bed until about 2:00.  But I am retired and I don't have to get up early.  It worked out well when I was at the truckstop, because I worked the graveyard shift. I was happy to be up all night, and I got my sleep during the day while the kids were at school.  I like to get up early.....I really do.  I just am not wired that way.

I like mornings....I feel sharpest mentally,  but not one that likes to be up and dressed and out first thing. I love weekends when I can spend my mornings at home...I don't want to be around people and have to talk to anyone...time for me. I do differents things...reading, some chores, exercise if I can be at home. 

My worst time is from about 5pm to 7pm...its when I need a nap. After that, I'm good to go till about 11pm sometimes later. I end going to bed early cause I don't usually get that afternoon nap. Maybe when I retire...sighhh.

I have mastered what I call the power nap...about 20 min and I'm up and ready to go again. I had a few years of serious illness and that was one of the things my doctor suggested to keep my energy up...took a while but now I love it..

When I was younger I was a night owl, would stay up late reading or watching old movies then have to drag my ass out of bed to go to school or work, the snooze button was definitely my friend.  At one point I had to put the clock across the room so that I had to get up to turn it off.  I would come home from school and take a delicious snooze before dinner and then have the rest of the evening just for me.  But as I have gotten older that has all changed.  First I developed insomnia.  While I dealt with that I developed much better sleep habits, like not reading in bed, going to bed for the night when I got tired, doing so on a more regular schedule.  I still struggle with bad nights.  But when I wake up several times during the night, I don't stress about it, as long as I can get a couple of hours at each stretch.  Otherwise my body clock is pretty regular, I usually hit the sack between 10 to 11 and I am up by 7, without any alarm.  Time to make the donuts!  So I think I have evolved into a morning person. 

i'd have to say that i'm a yo yo .. but if i had to pic one or the other the scales would definitely tip towards the night owl side by a wide margin .. but my sleep habits are so screwed up there's just no tellin anymore .. i can't seem to get more than 4 hours of sleep at a time at best which makes me tough to live with sometimes .. when i'm by myself i'll wake up at 2am and plug in my electric guitar .. but if i'm not alone i have to have some courtesy and compassion so i try to be a bit more quiet .. keep it down to a dull roar.. but i've also learned the power nap .. in fact thats all i can do .. problem with that is that i can only get about 10 to 12 hours on a 4 hour charge .. and then i need another 2 to 4 hour charge again .. i think when we sleep its our bodies way of defraggin our brains .. kinda like our computers do to find all that useless information thats just collectin dust in some corner and not bein used anymore cause we don't need it .. and if you don't get enough sleep it plays with your mind .. makes you punch drunk .. so yeah most of the time i'm a night owl .. unless i'm not that particular day .. then i'm a mornin person .. and i never plan it out .. i just go with the flow now .. i sleep when i'm tired and i drink when i'm dry , if fuckin don't kill me ,i'll live till i die ..    

If I didn't have to be on a schedule, I think I would take more naps rather than longer sustained sleeps...I know when I have summers off I sometimes get my day and nights mixed up with the napping. I'll see how it goes when I have that summer schedule full time...sigh.

When young i guess i was more a day person , Lot's of fishing and Guy stuff . As i got older i realized i had to work if i would ever have anything . The last job i had lasted 25 years . I always got to work on time . Could live on 5 hour's of sleep . As my body began breaking down because of my weight . I was so tired after work , i would make it home and colaspe in my recliner . Often with no supper be in bed often before the darkness . After getting disabled . Those pains went away . I had much better days . Doctor helped get me back on track and now "Me" time is "Anytime" i choose . Sleep when i want , get up when i want . I like it now . No worry about a job and take one day at a time ...

TOTALLY and COMPLETELY a night person. No mattter what I do,I simply do NOT feel right if I go to bed before midnight. IDEALLY, going to bed around 3 or 4 and getting up around 10 is PERFECT.  Night shift was perfect for me because it is easy for me to stay up all night and sleep all day in a bright room even. IT MUST be body chemistry or something. My boyfriend can RARELY stay awake past 9 or 10 and he is always up at 5. I told him we would drive each other crazy if we ever got married....LOL!!

Screwed up, that's what I am, lol!  My dog gets me up between 6:30 and 7:30 every morning no matter what time I go to bed, and once I've taken her for an hour long walk, I can't go back to sleep, so I'm up.  USUALLY I'll go to sleep between 11 and midnight, but if I go hear the guy I'm seeing play, I never get home before 2:30; sometimes I'll sit up watching t.v. or playing on the computer or reading until 2 in the morning, too.  Other times - I'm ready to crash at 8:30 (I guess it catches up with me!) 

My biggest problem is I wake up every 2 hours whether I want to or not - I can usually fall right back to sleep, but that waking up every two hours is the pits...




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