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Did you get too watch Cartoons , Western's on Saturday Mornings ?

If so what were your Favorites ?

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I watched "Fury", about a black stallion and his boy. And "Sky King".  And "Rin Tin Tin".  Oh, and "The Lone Ranger", "Hop-a-long Cassidy", and "The Cisco Kid". 

Tom and Jerry was by MGM and Foghorn Leghorn was by Warner Bothers.

Do you remember all the Violence in those toon's ....

  • You know what, Wayne?....it never really occurred to me that it was violence in the REAL sense of the world. In fact, when they came out with the revelation that Wile E. Coyote was the most VIOLENT cartoon of all time, I waS KINDA Surprised and watched it again to "SEE where they were coming from". I doubt there was a kid that said, "I THINK I will make a bomb and blow up a BIRD."  (or a person)  It comes from MUCH more than a cartoon like Bugs Bunny or Bullwinkle.
  •  I have read murder mysteries my whole life, since I was 10 so by now I should know how to get away with it, right? But it just never once occurred to me to kill ANYONE. Even when I was being picked on in school, I didnt want to kill that nasty girl. Yeah, I wanted to TRIP her getting off the bus and then  I just wanted to call her the WORST name or swer word I could THINK of and RUN home....LOL!!

We didn't have TV for many years...but we did have Saturday matinees for kids...usually a newsreel...then a looneytoons or a roadrunner and wily coyote...then a serial which was usually Roy Rodgers or Gene Autry or Flash Gordon...then a main feature...whatever the movie was that week...This was the military overseas when I was growing up.

i think i was on the same channel as karin cause i remember all them shows too .. cept for the cisco kid .. don't remember him that well .. is this him ??   ehh.. maybe not .. 

It's the one where the fat friend says Heyyyyyy Cisssssscooooo.

All about Dale and Buttermilk....I named my bike Buttermilk...LOL!

some of those saturday serials...

Flash Gordon and DALE Arden...what was up with that name! Star Wars ain't got nuttin ove Flash Gordon...cept for maybe some special effects...ok, maybe some music...




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